A Multicultural Church
The Uniting Church rejoices in diversity of races, cultures and languages as God’s gracious gift to the human family. On any Sunday, around 200 congregations within the Uniting Church gather to worship using a language or languages other than English. Around 45 languages, 15 of which are languages of our First Peoples, are used each week across our congregations.
National Conferences
Uniting Church National Conferences provide opportunities for people of the same culture to meet together for worship, fellowship and development. Currently there are 13 National Conferences within the UCA.
An Intercultural Church
The Assembly Resourcing Unit has developed a webpage to help Uniting Church members explore and learn more about what it means to be an intercultural church. Learn about the Foundations of our commitment, Explore the implications and take Action to practise Intercultural principles to in local settings.
Anti-racist worship
Rev. Radhika Sukumar-White has written a paper about what it means to live out a commitment to be intentionally anti-racist specifically in how we worship. It includes practical steps for congregations to think aboout.
Acknowledgement in language
An Acknowledgement of Country is a way of paying respect to First Peoples whenever we gather together. This poster is available in 11 different languages with two standard versions of the Acknowledgement of Country.
The Uniting Church seeks to be a community that includes and celebrates the rich diversity of God’s created peoples living out the Gospel call. Hear and share stories of faith and hope in Christ transcending cultural barriers and contribute to cross cultural learning and intercultural ministry.