UCA National History Society
The Uniting Church National History Society (UCNHS) was formed to preserve and promote the historical journey of the Uniting Church in Australia and its predecessor churches.
We are a nation-wide community of people passionate about the past, present and future of our uniquely Australian church.
What will I get with my membership?
- Access to our Biennial Conference Publications and Resources
- A voice in planning the future direction and priorities of the UCNHS at our Annual General Meetings
In 2022, the UCNHS presented a webinar exploring the Uluru Statement from the Heart. You can watch the recording below and read papers presented by Emily Hayes, Tim Matton-Johnson, Laura Rademaker and Nathan Tyson in recognition of the importance of the Uluru Statement from the Heart and Truth-telling to the future of Australia.
Previous Conferences
Read the proceedings of the previous three conferences of the Uniting Church National Historical Society, beginning with the inuagural conference in 2017, which marked the 40-year anniversary of the UCA. They include presentations written by keynote speakers and guests.
Meet our UCNHS President
Dr Judith Raftery
Dr Judith Raftery was elected as chair of the Board of the Uniting Church History Society at the society's Annual General Meeting, held September 2023. She was an organiser of the first biennial conference of the UCNHS, held in Adelaide in June 2017, an inaugural member of the society, and served as the first secretary of its board, from 2017 to 2023. She has recently completed a lengthy term as Council member and President of the Uniting Church South Australia Historical Society. Having grown up in Churches of Christ, Judith has been a member of the Uniting Church since 1987 and is involved with Pilgrim Church, Adelaide, where she is a member of Church Council and an active contributor to worship services and social justice activities.
Judith is a graduate of the University of Adelaide and Flinders University and holds a PhD in history and a Master of Theological Studies. Her PhD investigated the role of the churches in relation to social issues in South Australia between the two world wars. The most recent of various publications emerging from this work is 'Holding the Fort: Christian churches in South Australia 1919-1939' in Caroline Adams and Brian Dickey (eds) South Australia 1919-1939 (2022). Judith has undertaken teaching and research into the impact of colonial and post-colonial history on the well-being of Aboriginal Australians. See especially Not Part of the Public: non-indigenous policies and practices and the health of indigenous South Australians 1836-1973 (2006). Her Evangelisation and Social Betterment: four decades of Churches of Christ Aborigines Missions in Western Australia (2013) raises critical questions about mission and partnership for churches in the twenty-first century, and her interest in the history and theological significance of hymns and hymn singing is demonstrated in Singing the Faith (2011).
National Board
Western Australia
Rev Dr Alison Longworth
Northern Territory
Rev Steve Orme
A decision was taken at the AGM, held as part of the 2019 conference, to establish an electronic newsletter.
- This will provide members with an opportunity to keep up with all sorts of events and developments relating to UCA history and archival matters, and religious history more generally.
- It will also be a forum for you to promote local and regional events, new publications and any other matters relavent to the aims and interests of the UCNHS.
- Your state/regional representative on the UCNHS Board will be your link to this activity. Contact him or her with your news, questions, ideas.
On Exploring the History of a Congregation
by Susan Emilsen
Writing a Parish History: some notes for beginners
by Malcolm D. Prentis