Our Intercultural Church
In 1985 the Uniting Church declared itself a multicultural church, embracing the growing cultural diversity of its membership. Today in the Uniting Church we worship in more than 30 languages other than English and have 12 national conferences which support congregations and communities of the same culture. We rejoice in the diversity of races, cultures and languages in our Church as God’s gracious gift.
The Uniting Church Assembly holds a vision for an Intercultural church, where all cultural groups seek to be in relationship with each other and share in leadership, mission and ministry.
This Circle is a place for people who are passionate about our commitment to be a truly intercultural church. Help us find ways to celebrate and share the stories of our multicultural church and make space for diverse voices and contributions to be respectfully heard across the wider membership of the church.
What does it really mean to live life and faith as an Intercultural Church? This collection of resources is designed to support local communities in exploring this question.
This collection of resources invites you to learn about the documents which are the Foundations of our commitment to being Intercultural, to Explore in more detail some of the implications of being Intercultural and to take Action to practise Intercultural principles to in local settings.
Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday - 2023
Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday Celebrate the cultural diversity at the heart of our Church and explore ways to build intercultural relationships in your neighbourhood.On Sunday 16 July, the Uniting Church will celebrate Intercultural Neighbouring Sunday (INS). Emerging from a decision of the 16th Assembly meeting, it will be the first time Uniting Church communities are invited…
National Conferences
National ConferencesThe Uniting Church National Conferences provide opportunities for people of the same culture to meet together for worship, fellowship and development. National Conferences: Facilitate networking and cooperative discussion nationally enabling our multicultural communities to address issues and celebrate good news within the life of congregations and its people. Provide opportunities to learn and reflect on how to…
Acknowledgement of Country translations
Acknowledgement of Country in language An Acknowledgement of First Peoples is a way of paying respect to First Peoples whenever we gather together. This double-sided A4 bilingual poster is available in 11 different languages with two standard versions of the Acknowledgement of Country. It also includes a brief explanation of why the acknowledgement is important…