Disaster Recovery and the Uniting Church
The Uniting Church supports and responds to disaster-affected people through the Assembly, its Synods, Presbyteries, Congregations and agencies. This ministry includes direct financial relief, disaster recovery chaplaincy, peer support, targeted recovery programs and ministries.
National Disaster Recovery Officer Rev Dr Stephen Robinson equips the church for this work.
You can fill out the form below and send it to our email and let us know how you want to help.
National Disaster Fund funding application template
Direct Deposit
UFS Disaster Relief
BSB: 634634
Acct#: 100017929
Please make your cheque payable to “UCA Assembly - National Disaster Relief Fund” and post to:
UCA Assembly - National Disaster Relief Fund
PO Box A2266 Sydney South NSW 1235
Please include a reference (for example, your surname or congregation name)
If you require a receipt, please get in touch with us.
Read Our Blog
Rev. Dr Stephen Robinson shares his thoughts on ministry in difficult times.

Connect with the Uniting Disaster Recovery Team:
Email: DRCN@nat.uca.org.au