Our Intergenerational Church
Our vision is to be an Intergenerational Church where every generation is engaged together in active discipleship, growing and sharing faith in Jesus. We hope to encourage Uniting Church communities to discover ways to be a church for all ages, where faith and discipleship is encouraged equipped, and expressed intergenerationally. The Assembly has named being an Intergenerational Church as key commitment to move the church boldly and confidently into the future.
A key part of discipling is the way the Church nurtures and encourages children, youth and young adults within its family. We seek to resource the next generations of Christian faith by inviting younger people to join in God’s mission, equipping and releasing them to do so.
Being an Intergenerational Church
- A commitment. A vision. An invitation.
This new document comprises an expression of commitment, a statement of vision, an invitation to act and resources to explore. For individuals, Congregations, Presbyteries, Synods and the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia it is an important
opportunity to learn more about and to act more intentionally in becoming an intergenerational church.