Intergenerational Ministry - Intergen
These resources are compiled by Chris Barnett, Executive General Manager of Intergen and originally published by Intergen.
1. Kids, Families & Church: A Ministry Resourcing Day
August 13 9.30am-2.30pm Melbourne (North Balwyn)
For Ministers/Pastors, other remunerated staff and key volunteers to attend as a team, this event focuses on equipping and resourcing leaders for more effective engagement with children and their families. In addition to Adam & Bettrys Lowe from St. Bart's Toowoomba as key presenters, local workshop leaders bring a depth and breadth of experience in...
- Playgroup and Early Childhood ministry
- Intergenerational Worship & Discipleship
- Missional Engagement with Children & Families
- Reactivating Ministry with Children and Families
- Neurodiversity, Mission and Ministry with Families
More information and registration: Kids, Families & Church
Facebook post to share: Kids, Families & Church fb
2.Weekly Intergen Resources – July
3. Storycines
Luke 22:10-24 Last Supper and Crucifixion
4. Flame Creative
5. Resources from the Church of Scotland
Additional Needs and Inclusion
6. ReFocus: Christina Embree
A tale as old as…Sunday School
Building a discipling community
Parents, it’s not “your” job to disciple your kids
Discipleship isn’t a formula, program or curriculum, it’s…
7. Effective Ministry Podcasts
Postcards from Chicago 1: Henry Zonio & Chris Barnett
Postcards from Chicago 2: David Scott & Valerie Grissom
Small Groups through an Intergenerational Lens: Tim Beilharz
The Significance of Grandparents in Faith Formation: Ian Barnett*
(*=no relation)
8. Some Books to Consider*
Better Together (Danielle Strickland)
What’s Here Now? (Jeanne Stevens)
Good and Beautiful and Kind (Rich Villodas)
(*=from speakers I appreciated at a recent conference)
9. Upcoming Victorian Events
Jul 18 1pm-3pm Amplifying faith impact as a grandparent (CMN)
Aug 10 10am-4pm Grassroots Ecumenism (VCC)