National Ministries and Committees
National Safe Church Unit
The National Safe Church Unit works to ensure the Uniting Church is a safe place for all. Created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, it is a whole of Church commitment to ensuring safe spaces in our congregations, agencies, hospitals and schools.
Uniting Disaster Recovery
The Uniting Church engages with disaster-affected people through the Assembly, its Synods, Presbyteries, Congregations and agencies through direct financial relief, disaster recovery chaplaincy, peer support, targeted recovery programs and ministries.
Adult Fellowship
The Uniting Church Adult Fellowship (UCAF) is an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly and includes all adult members of the church.
A volunteer force of almost 12,000 members has been called the “backbone, powerhouse, lifeblood and heart of the Uniting Church”.
The UCAF National Committee connects with a number of ecumenical bodies where it represents the UCA, including the World Federation of Methodist Uniting Church Women and the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC).
Defence Force Chaplaincy
The Uniting Church Defence Force Chaplains Committee (UCADFCC) is an Assembly Committee, which provides members of the Australian Defence Force and their families with Christian ministry, in order to meet their spiritual needs.
The Committee works collaboratively with the Department of Defence to develop character training from a Christian perspective.
UCA National History Society
The Uniting Church National History Society (UCNHS) was formed to preserve and promote the historical journey of the Uniting Church in Australia and its predecessor churches.
It is a nation-wide community of people passionate about the past, present and future of our uniquely Australian church.
Standard for Ministries Committee
The Standards for Ministries Committee is a national committee appointed by the Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) to advise the Assembly and the ASC on the standards required for Specified Ministries within the Uniting Church and to ensure that the Assembly’s responsibilities in relation to training for Specified Ministries and admission of ministers from other denominations are met.
They advise the Assembly on developing policies relating to standards of formation, education and training for the specified ministries in the Uniting Church, responding to the changing context of church, culture and approaches to ministry.
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