Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circle
The Preamble to the Constitution of the Uniting Church states that “As the Church believes God guided it into union so it believes that God is calling it to continually seek a renewal of its life as a community of all First Peoples and of Second Peoples from many lands”.
The Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circle encourages members of the UCA to see a destiny together, praying and working together for a fuller expression of our reconciliation in Jesus Christ. The Circle is a space for walking together, for listening to and sharing of the experiences of our First Nations peoples and living out our covenantal relationship together.
Circle Panel Members
The Panel Members for this Circle are Tim Molineux, Nathan Tyson, Joy Han, Jennie Gordon, Seung Jae Yeon, Michelle Cook and Stephanie Teh
Day Of Mourning 2025
#UCADayofMourning Sunday 19 January For 30 years the Uniting Church has been in Covenant with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). Made in honesty about our history and in hope for the future, the Covenant commits us to work for a just church and nation. Bound together…
UAICC Statement on passing of Rev Dr Michelle Cook
UAICC Statement on the passing of Rev Dr Michelle Cook National Chairperson of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress, Rev Mark Kickett, has released a letter of pastoral supportPastoral support letter, from UAICC National Chairperson Rev Mark Kickett Upon the passing of Rev Dr Michelle Cook The UAICC National Chairperson, on behalf of the…
A call to listen, learn and act for reconciliation
A call to listen, learn and act for reconciliation President Rev Charissa Suli reflects on her experience attending a parliamentary reception in honour of King Charles and Queen Camilla this week, urging us to pay attention to emerging truthsOn Monday, President Rev Charissa Suli had the privilege of attending a Parliamentary reception for His Majesty…
A tribute to Rev Dr Gondarra
‘Holistic spirituality’: a tribute to Rev Dr Gondarra OAM This is the reflection given by Rev Steve Orme at the State Memorial for Rev Dr Gondarra OAMThis short reflection was given by Uniting Church minister Rev Steve Orme at the State Memorial Service for Rev Dr Gondarra OAM Held in the grounds of Nungalinya College,…
Submissions due: proposed Truth and Justice Commission
Deadline looming to make your submission on proposed Truth and Justice Commission The Bill is before a Senate Inquiry and you can make your voice heard until 20 SeptemberPlease note the deadline has been extended and submissions now close 20 September. The deadline is looming for submissions to a current parliamentary inquiry into a Bill…
State memorial to honour Rev Dr Gondarra OAM
State memorial to honour Rev Dr Gondarra OAM A service will take place this Thursday at Nungalinya College in Darwin to honour the trailblazing Yolŋu elder who died in JuneA state memorial will be held this week for Rev Dr Gondarra OAM, senior Yolŋu lawman, pioneering Aboriginal leader and Uniting Church minister, who died in…