Our Agencies

Frontier Services
Frontier Services is an agency of the Uniting Church providing a helping hand and a listening ear to people in remote and outback Australia.
The Uniting Church recognises that we live in a society where people are more isolated, especially people who live in the bush. Frontier Services plays an important role in providing a sense of connection between our urban cities and the bush.
Through its volunteer program Outback Links lends a helping hand to farmers and communities when its needed most. They provide a lifeline for families impacted by the hardships of unprecedented drought across the country.
Frontier Services Bush Chaplains travel tens of thousands of kilometres every year visiting families and communities to provide practical, pastoral and spiritual support to those in need.
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UnitingWorld is the international aid partnerships agency of the Uniting Church, connecting people and church communities to partner in God’s mission.
UnitingWorld’s vision is to see transformed communities where people honour God and experience hope and well-being as they live free of poverty and injustice.
UnitingWorld partners with local churches across the Pacific, Asia and Africia to bring about lasting change.
They collaborate on programs that bring about sustainable livelihoods, resilient communities and leaders who value equality and inclusion.
Their areas of focus intersecting across their work include disaster preparation, emergency response, gender equality, poverty alleviation and strong leadership.
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UnitingCare Australia
The Uniting Church in Australia is one of the largest providers of community services in Australia through our community services arm, UnitingCare.
Uniting Care Australia is the national body for the community services network and includes more than 400 agencies, institutions, and parish missions throughout Australia, 1600 sites, 50,000 staff, 30,000 volunteers supporting 1.4 million people. Areas of service include aged care, children, youth and family, disability, employment, emergency relief, drug and alcohol, youth homelessness and suicide.
UnitingCare Australia has a mandate to advocate with the Church, to Government and the broader community on policies and practices which enhance the dignity of people, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Together, we work towards a community in which every person meets their full potential.
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