World Day of Prayer - 1 March 2024
February 14, 2024
By Helen Richmond
The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical day of prayer led by Christian women on the first Friday in March. This year it will be held on 1 March, 2024.
For decades this global ecumenical prayer service has been an opportunity for local churches in each region to come together to pray, focusing on a particular place in the world and supporting a shared project.
This year the Order of Service has been prepared by Palestinian women. The theme is: ‘I Beg You, Bear With One Another in Love” (Eph 4:3)
"It is a privilege to receive this offering of hope from our sisters in Palestine who know suffering and hardship."
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The theme and resources were prepared before the current crisis but with all that has been unfolding in Palestine and Israel, it is very timely to have this opportunity to pray for the Holy Land, joining with our Palestinian sisters and brothers and all who are seeking a just and lasting peace.
In prepared service, we hear stories of three generations of Palestinian women.
The artwork (above) by Halima Aziz depicts the three women sitting under an olive tree.
Olive trees are very important in Palestine and can live for a very long time. Some olive trees in Palestine today were there at the time of Jesus. They are a symbol of deep connections to the land, and the promise of abundant life and fruitfulness of the land.
Included in the worship materials is background reading about the situation in Palestine, a Bible study and music resources.
In preparation you might like to listen to the Lord’s prayer sung in Aramaic or the beautiful and haunting Arabic refrain, Yarabba ssalami (God of peace and justice rain down upon us your peace).
The Palestinian Christian women who prepared the service invite us pray for justice and freedom and commit ourselves to the task of repairing what has been damaged or destroyed. It is a privilege to receive this offering of hope from our sisters in Palestine who know suffering and hardship.
Find a church hosting a service in your area and join in praying with fellow Christians for peace in the Holy Land. The offering this year goes to the work of the Bible Society in Palestine.
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