Webinar: Hybrid Ecclesiology

Join the Being a Multicultural Circle and Assembly Resourcing Unit for our third webinar looking at the Church and COVID-19.

The topic of this webinar is Hybrid Ecclesiology. In the midst of COVID-19, our worship and pastoral ministry is taking place in hybrid forms, online, offline, face-to-face and physically distanced. How is this changing the shape of our identity as a Church?

The webinar will take place on Thursday 27 August from 7-8.30pm.

Our speakers will include:

Rev. Dr. Matagi Vilitama 
Siosiana (Joyce) Tangi 
Rev. Roy Alexander Surjanegara

Theological Listener: Rev. Ann Perrin
Moderator: Ps. Levon Kardashian

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Learn more about our speakers below

Rev. Dr. Matagi Vilitama

Matagi hailed from Niue Island in the liquid continent. He was a member of the PCC executive committee for many years representing small churches in the pacific. A Minister of the Georges River Presbytery, NSW, he served in CALD congregations in the past 11 years. He is a former Chairperson of the Niue National Conference, and Advocate of Being a Multicultural Circle of interest of Assembly. Matagi is passionate about cross cultural ministry and loves all things aesthetic. Art and design was his background before entering ministry and continues to dabble in the creative space. 

Siosiana Tangi

Siosiana (Joyce) Tangi works in the Uniting and Mission Pulse Team, Growing Vital Christian Communities where emerging generations thrive in the NSW/ACT Synod.  Joyce's role includes connecting and supporting with young people and their leaders in growing Ministries and explore mission in their presbyteries.  She engages in ecumenical dialogue within the wider Church as well as interfaith relations to find common ground with other young adults in this space.  She is a panel member of the Assembly's Seeking Common Ground Circle. As a Mentor to the 2nd Gen team of the Tonga National Conference, she finds a passion in supporting 2nd and 3rd generation migrant young people as they continue to grow their faith.    

Rev. Roy Alexander Surjanegara

Roy Alexander Surjanegara was ordained as a minister in the Gereja Kristen Indonesia, and currently is serving in GKI Perth, an Indonesian speaking congregation within the Uniting Church in Western Australia Synod. His first placement was in a rural congregation in a small village in Lampung, Sumatera. Afterward he took further study in the field of church polity and ecumenism in the Netherlands. His second placement was in an urban congregation in Bandung, West Java. Since 2018, He and his family have lived in Perth until now. 

Theological Listener: Rev Ann Perrin

Rev. Ann Perrin is in placement in Parramatta Nepean Presbytery in the NSW/ACT Synod as the Team Leader Hawkesbury UCA Mission Zone working across five worshipping communities. After her first placement in Sydney she moved to Melbourne to undertake an Intentional Interim Ministry placement and then to a priority placement in Hobart. While in Tasmania she served as Chairperson of the Presbytery of Tasmania. As a Godly Player, Ann has a keen interest in how we join and encourage others to join God’s story through contextual mission, worship and intergenerational ministry. She is currently the Advocate for the Growing in Faith Circle of the national Assembly.

Moderator: Ps. Levon Kardashian

Levon was born in Beirut Lebanon and he is of Armenian origins. He studied engineering, marketing and management, and IT. Before starting his studies in theology he worked in graphic design and publishing. His first placement was in a country parish on the border of Syria and Turkey. After moving to Australia Levon did further theological studies and got involved in cross-cultural ministry. Levon has worked with refugees providing pastoral care, and was the domestic violence awareness project officer of the Social Justice Forum with Uniting NSW. Currently he is the multicultural project officer for the South Moreton Presbytery in the Synod of Queensland.