By Apwee Ting, National Consultant
President Deidre Palmer met with leaders from the National Conferences of the Uniting Church.
It was the first time for the President to meet with all 11 National Conferences in one room - South Sudanese, Middle Eastern, Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Indonesian, Korean, Tongan, Fijian, Samoan and Niuean.
The day opened by Deidre with worship and reflection from Ephesian 4:1-11.
Each leader was invited to share their joys, concerns, hope and challenges. Their sharing reminded the church that in each community there is a diversity of gift, mission and ministry.
Thank you Deidre for your wonderful pastoral leadership that enable the meeting went well in the spirit of togetherness and openness.
Thank you Amel Manyon, Krikor Youmshajekian, Lai Tony, Gabby Ocampo, Ayub Yahya, Steve Lee, Minh Bui, Jason Kioa, Vinnie Ravetali, Kili Mafaufau and Matagi Vilitama for your leadership in your communities and across the wider church.
The day finished with a blessing from the President:
May God our Creator surround us with love and fill us with joy.
May Christ our Light guide us and lead us in ways of compassion and justice.
May the Spirit our Wisdom, give us courage to faithfully witness to the hope and transforming power of God in our world.