Category: Ecumenical News
Ecumenical news on our dialogues, news from around the Synods and ecumenical councils
Ecumenical news on our dialogues, news from around the Synods and ecumenical councils
Open doors and open hearts on the holy island of Iona Uniting Church minister Rev David MacGregor writes about the blessing of a lifetime spending nine weeks with the ecumenical Christian community on Iona, Scotlandwritten by Rev David MacGregor For nine immense weeks from mid-August this year, I served as a full-time volunteer on Iona, […]
UCA represented at gathering of Methodist and Uniting Church women Rev Carmel Ieraci and Margaret Pedler attended the South Pacific Area Seminar of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church womenwritten by Abbey Sim, Worship, Creative and Performing Arts Pastor at Wesley Castle Hill Uniting Church The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church […]
‘A means of grace’: reflecting on the World Methodist Conference UCA delegate Rev Prof Glen O’Brien reflects on the WMC which took place in Sweden from 13-18 Augustwritten by Rev Prof Glen O’Brien Glen O’Brien attended the World Methodist Conference as a UCA delegate. He is a Uniting Church minister in the Synod of Victoria […]
The 22nd World Methodist Conference is set to begin The five-yearly gathering brings together the global family of Wesleyan, Methodist and Uniting ChurchesThe 22nd World Methodist Conference is set to begin later today, 13 August, in the beautiful Swedish city of Gothenburg. The Uniting Church in Australia will have a strong presence at the Conference […]
President at Church of Scotland General Assembly Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis is in Edinburgh this week for the General Assembly and was invited to bring a greetingUniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis is in Edinburgh this week at the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. The annual gathering brings together 500 church […]
New dual role in Rome Uniting Church Minister Rev Tara Curlewis has been appointed to a new dual role in Rome to strengthen presence of the Reformed ChurchUniting Church minister Rev Tara Curlewis has been appointed to a new dual role within the global ecumenical church. Based in Rome, the role will strengthen the […]
Global ecumenical opportunitiesDiscipleship opportunities for young adult leadersAre you a young adult wanting to grow your discipleship and interested in what it means to be part of a world-wide ecumenical fellowship of faith? Three global opportunities below invite applications from emerging Christian leaders who are seeking to deepen their leadership and faith. We encourage Synods, […]
Webinar: Sharing and Reflections from the World Council of Churches AssemblyThe 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches was held from 31 August to 8 September this year, gathering more than 3000 people from across the global church in Karlsruhe, Germany. The theme for the Assembly was, ‘Christ’s love moves the world to reconciliation […]
53rd UCA-Jewish Dialoguewritten by Rob Floyd The Executive Council of Australian Jewry – Uniting Church in Australia Dialogue met for the 53rd time, and for the first time in 2022, via video-conference last Thursday. The Dialogue is an intentional space held by the two faith communities. The purpose of the Dialogue is to build and […]
Holiness and Social Justice A book commissioned by The Salvation Army and Uniting Church in Australia The Uniting Church in Australia and The Salvation Army have a strong theological commitment to holiness and social justice as a shared understanding of Christian faith and life.The dialogue between the two churches has resulted in this book: ‘Holiness & […]