UNITING CHURCH NEWSEcumenical NewsPresident at Church of Scotland General AssemblyNewsPresident's UCA Anniversary message 2024NewsVale Rev Prof Norman YoungNewsFarewelling Raul SugunananthanAct2Act2 Report TranslationsNewsTowards Net Zero Good News Stories: Week 7NewsNow more than ever: National Reconciliation Week 202417th Assembly newsContinuing Witness returning to 17th AssemblyAct2Five ways to Unite in Prayer #UnitinginPrayerNews2024-2025 Budget ResponseJusticeWelcome and Safety for All: SOGICE ResourceHumans of the Uniting ChurchMeet Jessica MorthorpeNewsTowards Net Zero Good News Stories: Week 6Act2Final report of the Act2 Project releasedJusticeSave the Date: 30th Anniversary of the CovenantJusticeOut of the Silence: Reflection 1JusticeReligious Discrimination on the agenda againNewsTowards Net Zero Good News Stories: Week 5NewsSign up for the President's Anniversary Message 2024NewsTowards Net Zero Good News Stories: Week 4 12345