Reflections from international church partners
President of Free Wesleyan Church in Tonga, Bishop from the Church of North India and General Secretary of Pacific Conference of Churches share with 17th Assembly
July 16, 2024
This morning the 17th Assembly heard reflections from leaders of overseas church partners.
Rev Dr Tevita Havea, President of the Free Wesleyan Church in Tonga, thanked Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli and urged the church to continue to listen to the call of God’s spirit.
“We need to take time to rediscover what are we and our purpose. This is not a social club, nor a school. This is the ecclesia of God. Echoes around this room is the emphasis on discernment, so thank you President for guiding this Assembly to discern what God is doing, but discernment has an expiry date. You cannot continue to go with what you discerned yesterday, the church must continue to refresh its discernment of God’s will.”
He encouraged “clear teaching and theology for our people” rather than “lukewarmness”.
“Do not neglect the need for clarity in what we teach. Where is our inspiration? Inspiration needs to be transformative.”
Bishop Sameer Khimla from the Church of North India offered the greeting “Johar” from the lands of his tribal community and expressed his gratitude for the hospitality and love experienced from the Assembly. He acknowledged the similarities in the struggles experienced by First Nations people in India and the lands now called Australia.
Bishop Khimla commended Genesis 4:10 and John 17 to the Uniting Church.
“Listen to what the land has to say. Keep listening. There are stories of struggles not just of the past but of the present, and as a church, if you continue to listen, every land has a story to say every day."
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“I pray for you my friends that the day may come when this church may be called United Church. United, truly, where there is no class, no caste, no race, no language, no colour, it is truly the united church of Christ. A church wherein each one beyond their identities is called the children of God, the sons and daughters of God.”
Rev James Bhagwan, General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches, addressed the meeting, noting it was his third UCA Assembly.
“We will continue to journey with you in the calm seas and the stormy seas. Journey together is not easy. I recognise also that the concept of weaving or knitting, in our Pacific culture there are three images of weaving, the mat which represents community, the basket which represents hospitality and the sail which represents our journey together. When you weave you have structure but you have flexibility.”
“As I was listening over the last few days, some things have come to mind, first is we need to move from sympathy to empathy. Empathy is about listening, it’s about understanding and feeling and moving with that feeling, and also that in this journey, there is time not only for straight talk, but straight listening.”
He prayed the Church would “manifest the kingdom of God in these lands now called Australia.”
“The weaving is a responsibility that everyone has, but the design is God’s. Look for the design that God wants you to have.”
Uniting Church President Rev Charissa Suli expressed thanks for the “humility and respect for the Uniting Church in Australia” shown by international church partners, as well as to the leadership of UnitingWorld for their contributions to fostering relationships globally.
Rev Jordan Sumner and Rev Mark Kickett presented gifts to the church leaders as a small token of appreciation “from all of us in the Uniting Church”. They received a Communion plate and cup embossed with the 17th Assembly theme “to remember we are always part of the body of Christ.”
Rev Kickett prayed, “Our loving Heavenly Father, we sit back in awe of what you are doing in our region and all around the world. We are amazed that in this whole ministry of reconciliation and taking the Gospel that you have invited us to partner with you.”
“Bless our relationship together as we commit ourselves to journey in a church of God that is going to unite.”
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