A recent post on the Transforming Worship Facebook page asked for suggestions to introduce a congregation to some new songs.
What a wonderful collection of responses!
The request was for a congregation that wants to expand on Together in Song (TIS) hymns and organ music, but ideally songs that can be learnt easily without meeting face-to-face.
Here’s a compilation of some of the suggestions.
Uniting Church songwriters Leigh Newton and David McGregor. David has a range of YouTube video-versions of worship songs available free-of-charge for use and streaming. My songs are covered through both CCLI and OneLicense AND also cover a diversity of styles and themes.
HPC Songs is the Facebook home for Heather Price's Church Compositions. Here you will find information on new songs, ideas on how to use the music and other related links. Also: http://www.heatherprice.com.au/
Robin Mann’s YouTube Channel: with lots of ones that aren't in TiS as well as our favorites that are!
John Bell, Iona Community including a new song written for the pandemic, We Will Meet? Many of the songs have a regular metre, verse and chorus, which makes them easy to pick up. They’re also very well-grounded theologically and appropriately poetic.
John Bell and Graham Maule's "Known Unknowns". Often more contemporary words and images to known tunes. Can be purchased from Media Comm
Craig Mitchell has put together a great list of Music for Worship, streaming and recorded
Brunswick Uniting Church have some great original worship songs
Paddington Uniting Church also have a collection of audio recordings by some of our talented musicians and songwriters
Jubilate.co.uk or a terrific range of songs. You can buy a license to download as much as you want. Mostly traditional, but new words to familiar tunes, some videos.
All Together Books, released over the past 30 years, including Robin Mann and other Australian writers, Can be purchased from Media Comm
Richard Bruxvoort Colligan has lots of very congregationally friendly songs. https://www.worldmaking.net/
Malcolm Gordon - we’ve been using ‘The Grace’ a few times recently. https://malcolmgordon.bandcamp.com/track/the-grace
Worship House Media, a mixture of contemporary and some hymns. They come with a streaming licence, as long as you have the CCLI license.
The Gather Comprehensive Hymnal
Taize songs, such as Lord Hear My Prayer, which is in TIS can be good as they are simple, singable and organ-isable.
Songs of Grace, an extension to TIS that came out recently. Published by Australian Christian Resources ISBN 0987354198. A4 format, spiral bound.
NZ Hymnbook Trust, they supply PDFs and mp3 offerings too