May 22, 2024
In 2022, the 16th Assembly resolved “A call to action for climate justice: listening to First Peoples wisdom.” The resolution established a steering group that amongst other things, is tasked with sharing stories, expertise and learnings on effective strategies and resources to reduce emissions, prioritising the wisdom of First Peoples.
Towards Net Zero: Good News Stories is the culmination of this work. Over the next couple months, weekly good news stories from across the national Uniting Church will highlight possibilities and achievements in moving towards a sustainable future.
In the final week of this series for now, the Queensland Synod is sharing why they are committed to climate action, embarking on implementing their Flourishing Creation Action and Advocacy Plan.
Pursuing flourishing for creation through action and advocacy: Queensland Synod
What inspired the Synod to take climate action?
So many people across the Synod are working in their own spaces to care for Creation, whether it’s starting a veggie patch with children at a Uniting Early Learning Centre, preaching about climate action in worship, collecting recyclables at church or rolling out a large-scale solar project across Blue Care residential aged care facilities.
This was made very clear in the Plenty strategic planning consultation and engagement throughout the Queensland Synod, where environmental sustainability emerged as a key commitment.
This led to the development of the “A Flourishing Creation: Queensland Synod Action and Advocacy Plan to 2030”. This is the first time we have documented our commitments in this way, but it’s worth acknowledging the incredible volume of prior work of all kinds that has led us to this point.
Can you briefly tell us about the QLD Synod and it’s “Flourishing Creation Action and Advocacy” plan?
A Flourishing Creation: Queensland Synod Action and Advocacy to 2030 was adopted at the 36th Synod in Session in 2022. It is a bold and ambitious north star for us to be guided by.
Through this plan we renew our commitment to care for all Creation, to walk together with First Nation Peoples in order that we listen, learn, build friendship, and give of love for all that God has made.
The Plan recognises that each part of the Synod will engage with the commitments in different ways, with different interests and priorities, and offers optional pathways and opportunities for action.
Read the full plan here:
How has faith influenced this commitment?
The church continues to be called to participate in God’s mission, by standing up for what is fair, just, and right for the sake of the whole of Creation. We are facing an urgent ecological challenge and there is clear scientific evidence of climate change and its environmental, social and economic implications. We lament our direct and indirect contribution to this. Too often we have forgotten that we are part of creation, dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7), and to dust all return (Ecclesiastes 3:20).
In our acts of stewardship, in the image of the servanthood of Jesus and the communion of the Trinity, we are called to live in sustainable ways, caring for and living in community with the natural environment for present and future generations.
What are your hopes and vision for the future?
Our vision is to contribute to a future in which we all work more closely with the regenerative cycles of creation and create a greener, fairer, healthier future for all. We are determined to improve our capacity to monitor and measure our impacts on the environment so that we can create real change.
We need to remember that each action, however small, can make a difference.
What tips or encouragement would you share with other communities who want to start this journey?
- Read A Flourishing Creation Action and Advocacy Plan – it holds so many different ways to get involved and ideas on where to start.
- We’re all in this together – Reach out to others who have already begun the journey. Everyone has different strengths and areas for growth, and people are so willing to share their advice, resources and ideas. We are all better together in this.
- Then, start! Pick one small thing and start there, you never know where it might lead. Share what you are doing and measure the impacts, keep changing and improving as you go.
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