August 24, 2022
'Listen to the voice of Creation': Season of Creation 2022
Throughout the month of September Christians across the world will celebrate the Season of Creation, an annual invitation to pray and reflect on our shared call to care for the earth - our common home and the 'household' of God.
The Season of Creation takes place from 1 September (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to 4 October (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi) under the 2022 international theme, ‘Listen to the voice of Creation.’
President Rev Sharon Hollis has encouraged Uniting Church members to mark the Season of Creation in worship and advocacy, and to engage with reflections the Assembly will share across the month.
“As the Uniting Church we celebrate the whole world as God’s good creation, and give thanks to God for the life that surrounds us,” said Rev Hollis. “At this time we also hear the cry of creation for renewal.”
“This Season of Creation I invite Uniting Church communities to listen closely to the world we inhabit and consider what actions they might take for the flourishing of creation and a sustainable future.”
This year the Assembly will share a range of Season of Creation resources that highlight First Nations voices and wisdom, following a resolution of the 16th Assembly to take seriously the voices and wisdom of First Peoples on climate justice and care of creation.
“As we pray and reflect deeply on how to be passionate advocates for the planet, the rich wisdom of First Nations peoples and cultures is an invaluable guide for us all,” said Rev Hollis. “We affirm and seek the leadership of First Peoples who know and have known for millennia how to care for creation and for these lands now called Australia.”
Alongside reflections from First Nations leaders will be various reflections and contributions from the Assembly Circles of Interest. They’ll be released in National Update each week from 31 August. Subscribe to National Update here. They'll also be available here on this page.
In the Assembly statement, ‘Our Vision for a Just Australia’, the Renewal of the Whole of Creation is identified as one of the key foundations of a just Australia and world. It’s described:
“We seek the flourishing of the whole of God’s Creation and all its creatures. We act to renew the earth from the damage done and stand in solidarity with people most impacted by human-induced climate change. Government, churches, businesses and the wider community work together for a sustainable future.”
Assembly Associate General Secretary Rob Floyd encouraged Uniting Church members to engage with the statement during the Season of Creation.
“Read about our vision, reflect on the Bible passages provided, revisit the previous statements and resolutions we have made as a Church and consider how we can play our part in bringing about the key actions we seek.”
"As we join the global Christian community in this Season of Creation may we take the time to reflect and to act so that all of creation can flourish.”
General Season of Creation resources
- International Season of Creation resources including liturgies and ideas for getting involved
- Australian resources
- Season of Creation edition of lectionary and devotional guide With Love to the World
- Assembly statement, 'Our Vision for a Just Australia'
- National Council of Churches resources and prayer
- World Council of Churches Season of Creation Celebration Guide
- Downloadable resource from the Pacific Conference of Churches
- Ecochurches WA (Social Justice Commission, Uniting Church WA) - Sustainable September resources
- You may also be interested in events from the Australian Religious Response to Climate Change taking place in the lead-up to COP27: Faiths for Climate Justice launch, Contemplative Tuesdays for Climate Justice, multi-faith services for an end to coal