Our Vision for a Just Australia
An update of the Uniting Church statement “Our Vision for a Just Australia” expresses our hopes for Australia to be a nation that is just, compassionate, inclusive and courageous.
In launching the July 2021 update, President of the Uniting Church in Australia Rev Sharon Hollis said: "With many people in Australia and the world still gripped by COVID-19, the statement is a reminder of the vision of justice, equality, reconciliation and love that we are called to in Christ."
"In the Uniting Church, and as followers of Jesus, we believe we are called to participate in God’s life-giving mission in the world. This calls us to be communities of justice and mercy, embodying God’s love, peace and reconciliation so that all people and all creation might share abundant life."
The statement is a collaboration of those engaged in working for justice across the Church and articulates the hopes and vision of the UCA in seven foundational areas. It outlines key actions that should be taken by governments and the wider community to bring about communities of justice and flourishing in Australia and beyond.
We invite you to use this statement to encourage deep thinking and to begin conversations within your community.
Our Vision:
We see a nation where each person and all creation can flourish and enjoy abundant life.
The Uniting Church in Australia believes the whole world is God’s good creation. Each person is made in God’s image and is deeply loved by God. In Jesus, God is completing the reconciliation and renewal of the whole creation.
Our vision, grounded in the life and mission of Jesus, is for a nation which:
- is characterised by love for one another, of peace with justice, of healing and reconciliation, of welcome and inclusion.
- recognises the equality and dignity of each person.
- recognises coexistent sovereignty of First Peoples, has enshrined a First Nations voice and is committed to truth telling about our history.
- takes seriously our responsibility to care for the whole of creation.
- is outward looking, a generous and compassionate contributor to a just world.
This is our vision and hope for a just Australia expressed in seven foundational areas.
Each foundation includes witness from the Bible, UCA statements, a snapshot of the current situation, key actions to advocate for and questions to encourage conversation or put to local candidates.
A First Peoples Heart
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples,
nurtured and sustained by God before invasion, are celebrated at the very heart of
what it means to be Australian.
First Peoples’ sovereignty is affirmed, First Peoples have a voice in the decision making of our country and are living out their right to self determination.
As First and Second Peoples, we walk together, creating socially just and culturally safe relationships, listening and learning from one another.
Renewal of the Whole of Creation
We seek the flourishing of the whole of
God’s Creation and all its creatures.
We act to renew the earth from the damage done
and stand in solidarity with people most
impacted by human-induced climate change.
Government, churches, businesses and
the wider community work together for a
sustainable future.
A Welcoming, Compassionate and
Diverse Nation
We are a nation of diverse cultures, languages, faiths, ethnic groups, abilities and experiences.
We celebrate and value the strength of this diversity. We see this diversity reflected in our leaders, key decision makers, institutions, industry, sports and media.
We are a compassionate nation, where every
person who seeks refuge here is treated fairly
and made to feel welcome and safe – regardless of their country of origin or mode
of arrival.
An Economy for Life
Our government makes economic decisions that put people first: decisions that are good for creation, that lift people out of poverty and fairly share our country’s wealth.
The economy serves the well-being and
flourishing of all people.
An Inclusive and Equal Society
We live together in a society where all are equal and free to exercise our rights equally, regardless of faith, cultural background, race, ability, age, sexual orientation and gender identity.
We defend those rights for all.
Flourishing Communities, Regional, Remote
and Urban
We live in communities where we are connected and we care for one another.
In communities all over Australia, from our big cities to remote regions, we seek the wellbeing of each Australian and uplift those who are on the margins.
Contributing to a Just and Peaceful World
Australia acts with courage and conviction to build a just and peaceful world.
We are a nation that works in partnership with other nations to dismantle the structural and historical causes of violence, injustice and inequality. Our government upholds human rights everywhere, acting in the best interests of all people and the planet.
Thanks go to...
This document is a UnitingJustice project – a collaboration of those engaged in the justice work of the Uniting Church coordinated by the Assembly Resourcing Unit.
We thank the following contributors:
UnitingCare Australia
Uniting (VIC/TAS)
Synod of WA
Presbytery and Synod of SA
Uniting Communities
Queensland Synod
UnitingCare Queensland
Uniting (NSW/ACT)
See also
What next?
If you want to learn about, contribute to and connect with the national justice work of the Uniting Church in Australia, then you might like to join our Working for Justice Circle of Interest.