Acting for justice and peace on Palm Sunday
If you or your community are taking part in an event on Palm Sunday we would love to see and share your photos. Use event hashtag #justice4refugees, email photos to, or tag us on social media: @unitingchurchau on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
On Palm Sunday, as Christians remember Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and the celebration of God's kingdom drawing near, people from all walks of life will call for peace in our world and justice and dignity for refugees and people seeking asylum in Australia.
Palm Sunday marches and rallies will take place in capital cities and regional towns across the country as part of a long tradition begun by Christian Churches in the 1970s.
This year many actions will also have a focus on peace and on those made refugees because of war, as millions flee Ukraine amid ongoing violence and conflict in the country.
Uniting Church in Australia President Rev Sharon Hollis encouraged Uniting Church members to pray for refugees across the world on Palm Sunday, and where possible to join in actions calling for an end to conflict and for a more just and compassionate approach to those seeking safety.
“The Kingdom Jesus proclaimed is one of peace and justice in which the poor, marginalised and mourning find hope and home. Our vision is that we might become a more compassionate nation where every person who seeks refuge finds safety and the chance to live free from violence and oppression.”
“We invite you to join with thousands of others standing in solidarity with our neighbours to pray for justice and peace in our time, and to call for welcome to be shown towards refugees here in Australia and those seeking asylum around the world.”
Rallies, marches and social media actions to take place in capital cities and regional towns will particularly be calling for:
- Release of all refugees from detention
- Permanent visas and family reunions for all refugees
- Fair and timely assessment of all claims for refugee status
- The right to work and access to benefits for all refugees and people seeking asylum
- Ensuring that people still held on Nauru and in PNG have safe resettlement options either here in Australia or in New Zealand
Read more about our vision for a welcoming and compassionate nation ahead of the 2022 Federal election in the Assembly election resource. We call for an end to mandatory and indefinite detention and access to work, housing and education for those in community detention.
You may like to join the Synod of WA and Justice4Refugees WA in its social media campaign #ADecadeGone, that invites people to post images of themselves from 10 years ago, to highlight the 10-year period in which some refugees have lived in limbo on temporary visas or have been waiting for freedom and residency. More information here.
Find more information on how you can take action or participate with your faith community on the Australian Refugee Action Network webpage.
Below is a list of events confirmed for 2022 across the country. Most events are on Sunday 10 April, but some are earlier or online, so note the date and location.
National and Capital cities
National online forum
Wednesday 6 April, 7pm-8:15pm AEST
'Fair Go for Refugees: Australia can do better'
Register here
Saturday 9 April, 12-2pm
'Lives in Limbo' Installation
Parliament Lawns, Hobart
Event page here
Sunday 10 April, 2pm-4pm
Churches Together for Peace & Justice - Walking in Unity
North West Triangle - Tarntanyangga (Victoria Square)
Webpage here
Sunday 10 April, 1pm
Justice for Refugees: End the Cruelty
Garema Place
Webpage here
Sunday 10 April, 3pm
Palm Sunday Welcome Refugees Rally
Civic Park, Darwin City
Facebook page here
Sunday 10 April, 2pm-6pm
Palm Sunday Rally for Peace and Refugees
King George Square
Facebook event here
Sunday 10 April, 2pm
Walk for Justice for Refugees
State Library of Victoria
Facebook event here
Sunday 10 April, 2pm-4pm
Palm Sunday Rally and March 2022
Belmore Park, near Central Station
Facebook event here
No rally held due to COVID-19
Lives on the Lawn art installation at St George's Cathedral
More information here
Apollo Bay, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 9am-2pm
ABRAR Bazaar - Fundraising for Refugees
The Project Space
Facebook event here
Ballarat, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 2pm
Walk for Justice for Refugees
Lake Wendouree View Point
Webpage here
Bendigo, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 12pm
Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees
Bendigo Library Gardens
Facebook event here
Blue Mountains, NSW
Sunday 10 April, 2pm-4pm
BMRSG 10th Palm Sunday Rally
Catholic Church Convent, Lawson
Webpage here
Cairns, QLD
Sunday 10 April, 4pm
Palm Sunday National Day of Action
Cairns War Memorial
Find out more
Dunkeld, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 2pm
Justice 4 Refugees Photo Opportunity
Mitchell Gully lookout/ 3 Peaks parking area – Hamilton side of Dunkeld
More information here
Griffith, NSW
Sunday 10 April 8am-11am
Stall at Griffith Rotary Markets
Newcastle, NSW
Sunday 10 April, 2pm
Palm Sunday Rally
Pacific Park, Newcastle East
Townsville, QLD
Sunday 10 April, 4pm
Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees
Rock Pool on the Strand
Facebook event here
Warrnambool, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 7pm
Palm Sunday Peace Vigil
Patloch Lane / Liebig Street
Facebook event here
Wonthaggi, Victoria
Sunday 10 April, 2pm-4pm
Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees
Wonthaggi Mine Whistle
Facebook event here