March 15, 2022
So that all people and all creation might share abundant life: Federal Election 2022
Ahead of the 2022 Federal Election, the Uniting Church Assembly has released a resource which expresses our hope for Australia to become a nation where all people and the whole creation can flourish.
Drawing on the UCA document Our Vision for a Just Australia, the election resource identifies seven critical issues that Australia must address urgently to build a more just, compassionate and inclusive nation. It includes the current situation and key actions needed in these areas to fulfil our vision. It will be a useful resource to help start discussion and for UCA members to consider as they engage with candidates about their policies.
Uniting Church in Australia President Rev Sharon Hollis said in the context of two years of the pandemic, the recent flooding emergency and global unrest with the conflict in Ukraine, many Australians felt anxious and uncertain about the future.
“We are looking to our leaders right now to seek to rebuild our communities without leaving anyone behind,” said Rev Hollis.
“As followers of Jesus, we believe each person and all creation is deeply loved by God, and we are called by Jesus to be communities of justice, compassion, inclusion and mercy.”
“In the midst of the challenges we face, we encourage current and future leaders of our country to work with courage and commitment, and to work collaboratively with communities, to provide all people and all of God’s creation with every opportunity to flourish and to live life abundantly.”
The critical issues identified in the resource include a voice for First Peoples, climate change, refugees, income inequality, aged care, housing and mental health in rural and remote Australia and Australia’s humanitarian assistance.
Assembly Associate General Secretary Rob Floyd encouraged Uniting Church members and congregations to use the resource to learn more about some of the key issues facing Australia ahead of the election and to generate conversations in their community and with their local candidates.
“As we approach the election, we encourage Uniting Church people to engage in the issues and to seek out policies and commitments which focus on the good of all people and the good of the planet,” said Mr Floyd.
“We hope the resource assists people to be actively involved in their communities and to raise their voice for justice and compassion.”
The election resource includes contributions from those engaged in working for justice across the Uniting Church.