Our Life Together: Reflections on the Basis of Union
The Act2 project has begun its next phase with the launch of a new series of five reflections on the Uniting Church's key foundational document, the Basis of Union. Developed for use in a range of settings across the UCA, the studies are designed to foster reflection on the themes and directions of Act2 in light of the foundations shaping Uniting Church theology and identity.
As we look to the future, it is important to know what makes us who we are.
The studies were commissioned by the Act2 Task Group and written by Rev Dr Geoff Thompson, a Uniting Church theologian and a member of the Assembly Standing Committee. Rev Dr Thompson has written extensively on the Basis of Union and Uniting Church theology.
Uniting Church President Rev Sharon Hollis introduced the studies as a way of beginning to respond to recommendations of the Act2 paper launched last week, that the UCA ‘reconnect with its core identity' and rearticulate common theological and other frameworks.
"The Basis of Union is a key guiding document allowing us to reconnect with our core theological identity as we continue to chart our life together," said Rev Hollis. “It is our prayer that these studies will deepen your love of God, encourage you in your service in the world and strengthen your commitment to God’s church."
Each study includes reflections on a particular section of the Basis of Union, related biblical passages, and questions for discussion. At the end of the studies there are some specific Act2 questions you can use to provide feedback on the Act2 project.
Click on the image below to download the studies
Language Translations
We value the input of all our diverse communities into this conversation and have begun translating Reflections on the Basis of Union studies into some of the languages used within the Uniting Church. Read in language here.
Take part in a study
It is hoped these studies may be used across the breadth of the Uniting Church as we reflect on Act2 from different perspectives. You might use them in small groups, Church Councils, Presbyteries, and school and agency settings. We recommend you have both the Basis of Union and a Bible available as you participate. The Basis of Union is available on our website in English, with a link to translations into other languages.