What does Walking Together look like in practice?
To mark National Reconciliation Week 2022 which takes place from 27 May - 3 June, members of the Walking Together as First and Second peoples Circle Panel are hosting an online conversation.
All members of the Circle and the wider Uniting Church are invited to listen in, join in, and share their own stories about walking together.
The conversation will take place on Thursday 2 June from 7:00pm-8:30pm AEST via Zoom.
Featuring contributions from:
Nathan Tyson, Manager First Peoples Strategy and Engagement in the Synod of NSW/ACT
Alison Overeem, Circle Advocate, and Manager, Leprena (UAICC Tasmania)
Rev Mark Kickett, National Interim Chair of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress
Circle Panel Members
and You
Acknowledgment of Country
Introduction of host and Circle Panel Members
Reflection: “What does Walking Together look like in practice?”
Open discussion
Final reflections
Call to action: ‘Be brave. Make change.’
Conclusion and thanks
Closing blessing
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