Rev. Michelle Cook is a Panel Member for the Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circle. We asked Michelle to tell us a bit about herself.
I’m currently living on the land of the Letteremarriner people in the place also called Launceston, Tasmania. My current role is as Presbytery Minister - Mission development across Tassie. This means I help congregations and agencies stop, look and listen to God’s call on their lives and help them follow through. I am about to move to Darwin to take up a teaching role at Nungalinya College.
I love reading crime fiction - but of the Inspector Barnaby, Morse and Agatha Christie sort - not a lot of blood please.
Living in Old Mapoon and seeing the resilience, joy, creativity and sharing in the sorrow and struggles of Old Mapoon people is just one reason I am passionate about this circle - there are so many others.
An Australian indigenous person who has inspired me is an Auntie from Old Mapoon who recently passed away. I am reminded about this year’s NAIDOC theme, “Because of her we can”. Her quiet dignity, generosity and her desire to share faith and culture with young people has been a great inspiration to me and my family as well as to the people of Old Mapoon.