Rev. Marie Wilson reports on the Kristallnacht commemoration in WA.
At Temple David on Sunday 11th November, an overflowing congregation came to commemorate Kristallnacht.
As we gathered, the theme from Schindler’s List by John Williams, played by Dr Ronniet Orlando and accompanied by Margaret Helfgott, set the sombre tone for the evening.
After introductory comments and a prayer led by WA Governor, Hon Kim Beazley, a candle was lit in memory of the six million Jews murdered in the Shoah and then a candle lit in memory of the Righteous Among the Nations.
We heard readings by Rebbetzin Liat Lieberman and Fr Michael Moore SM and concluded with Psalm 23 read in Hebrew by Shaked Cohen of Temple David, from Carmel School, and then in English by Tabitha Gallucio, from PLC.
Guest speaker Rabbi Marcus Solomon SC spoke about human rights and religious faith giving a clear, analytical approach to atrocities in community and religious life. We paused to remember until our silence was shattered by the sound of breaking glass.
The sign of peace was passed between the old and young, those with a title and those without, representatives of political parties, religious denominations, the Governor and students, Christians and Jews.
A Candle of Hope was brought forward by Olivia Tate from Netzer Reform Zionist Youth Group, Temple David and Isobell Abalon, a student at JSRACS .
Rabbi Adi Cohen confronted us with the effects of anti-Semitism today as he led us in the Kaddish. We mourned those in the USA now as well as those suffering in the past.
From the silent beginning, we moved to strength in hope for the future as the people moved out to the rousing singing of Ose Shalom by the PLC chorale.