Engage Together
Weekly resources for Intergenerational Worship, originally compiled by Melissa Neumann, Emma Parr and Chris Barnett.
June 2, 2023
ADVENT 2023 resource out now!
Ministers, worship leaders and congregations alike often aspire to worship experiences that are more engaging, more inspiring and more participatory. At the same time, many leaders don’t have capacity in their busy weeks to allocate the time they would like to lay the foundation for such experiences from scratch. Creativity takes time!
“for those willing to be stretched – but not too far – toward worship that is more multi-sensory, multi-intelligence and multi-ability aware."
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Written collaboratively across three different Synods, the FREE Engage Together weekly resources provide a helpful starting point for those willing to be stretched toward worship that is more multi-sensory, multi-intelligence and multi-ability aware. Easily accessible and readily adaptable, communities can choose to incorporate as many or as few of the ideas each week as is appropriate for their context.
Based around traditional Uniting Church liturgy and the Revised Common Lectionary, Engage Together has worship resources for each week including creative ideas for…
- Call to Worship
- Songs
- Prayer of Confession
- Bible Reading
…plus a "Take home" idea to prompt ongoing reflection and action.
Engage Together resources encourage greater participation by people of all ages and facilitate engagement across the different generations that are present. As we seek to be a more intentionally intergenerational church, Engage Together is well worth checking out!
For more information on the range of Engage Together resources and/or to discuss growing intergenerational ministry more intentionally in your context, please e-mail Chris Barnett (National Consultant – Intergenerational Ministry) via chrisb@nat.uca.org.au.
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