Envisioning a church for all generations
Assembly welcomes Chris Barnett, Intergenerational Consultant
April 26, 2023
They say that one of the most influential factors in the nurture and development of the next generation is their environment.
It may be no surprise then that Chris Barnett, one of the biggest champions of intergenerational ministry in the Uniting Church, grew up in genuinely intergenerational spaces.
“I have a deep passion to see congregations, in particular, grow as multi-age discipleship communities, playing their part in God’s great mission of the reconciliation and renewal of all creation.”
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“Even though the word wasn’t being used at the time, looking back I can say that I was blessed through growing up in a very intergenerational environment.”
“My family of origin was marked by a real culture of genuine intergenerational connection amongst uncles, aunties, cousins and grandparents. My church of origin was one in which young and old were relationally engaged together, with younger people taken seriously and given multiple opportunities to serve.”
The impact of this experience continues to bear fruit. Encouraging and supporting intergenerational life and ministry in the Uniting Church and beyond has become the work of Chris’ life.
Originally a pharmacist running his own businesses, Chris has worked in multiple congregational roles and had a season as a Scripture Union Regional Worker. However, for the past 15 years, Chris has been engaged in ministry with the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania resourcing ministry agents, local leaders, congregations and presbyteries in best practice ministry with children and their families. In more recent years, his work has focused on building capacity and openness in local communities to an intergenerational approach.
Chris reflects on this work: “One of the biggest highlights has been to see individuals, leaders, church councils and even whole congregations consider the intergenerational approach, moving from initial wariness to a willingness to engage, to gradual acceptance of the potential benefits, to enthusiastic affirmation.”
“To be part of shifting the culture of individual congregations and presbyteries has been a real privilege.”
Chris will now continue this work as Intergenerational Consultant within the Assembly Resourcing Unit for the next six months where he will be working to develop the Assembly’s Vision for an Intergenerational Church, work begun by previous members of the Assembly Resourcing Unit and the National Youth & Young Adults and Children & Families Coalition.
Chris was inducted into this role on Sunday 23 April in a service hosted by the intergenerational Common Ground Community within the Banyule Network in north-east Melbourne.
Being Intergenerational is one of the five strategic commitments of the Assembly, calling us to welcome, equip and hold together the different generations, in the life, ministry and decision-making of the Church.
Even though this is a national piece of work, for Chris it is grounded in a vision for local communities as places where all can live out their life-long discipleship together.
“I have a deep passion to see congregations, in particular, grow as multi-age discipleship communities, playing their part in God’s great mission of the reconciliation and renewal of all creation.”
“I am also a strong believer in the vital role of Presbyteries as, amongst many other things, an interface between congregations and the wider church, and so I look forward to engaging collaboratively with the leadership of Presbyteries across the country.”
Part of the work is shifting perceptions of what it means to be intergenerational. The most common misconception is that it is solely about children, youth and young people.
“The reality of our Uniting Church context is that in many places the starting point for being more intentionally intergenerational is our older generations. Even congregations comprised entirely of those aged from 60 to 100+ have at least three generations present.”
“Intergenerational ministry is fundamentally about relationship – the way we relate to those who are different to us in terms of age. So, it is about people of any and all ages deepening and strengthening their relationships with one another by engaging together in worship, witness and service.”
Chris believes that the better we become at living intergenerationally in our churches, the better we become at living relationally in other ways.
“If the core of being more intergenerational is relationship, then the way relate is crucial. A genuinely intergenerational space is marked by reciprocity (we all give and we all receive), mutuality (we’re all in this together) and equality (we are all equally made in the image of God).”
“As these three things – reciprocity, mutuality and equality – are fundamental to intergenerational relationships, they are also relevant to other relationships as well.”
“I strongly believe that as we grow in our capacity in each of these areas in any one dimension, for example with those who are different to us in age, we increase our capacity to engage healthily and respectfully with those who may be different to us in other areas as well, for example with regard to culture, faith, ability and gender.”
Chris has a simple word of advice for communities who feel called to a more intergenerational approach but may not know where to start.
“Start with who you are and where you are! Begin by being more intentional – in terms of age - about who you relate to amongst those you are already connected to. Become more intentional about how you relate to those who are different to you in age. Be assured that you most likely have the skill, experience and capacity you need.”
“So often people in congregations are already being brilliantly ‘intergenerational’ in other aspects of their life, like in their families. Sometimes it is a simple (and as difficult) as being more confident in the church setting, being courageous enough to take the first step, and knowing there is permission, support and structures that promote safety in place.”
What does Chris hope for the Uniting Church?
“That it might humbly and graciously provide opportunity for people of all ages (and cultures and abilities and gender and faith) to experience, hear and respond to God’s love for them and for God’s world.”
“My faith is enlivened by being actively engaged in mission, especially mission that takes place as part of a team of people of all ages that is focused on the blessing of all ages.”
In addition to his work with the Assembly, Chris is also engaged in a part-time role with Intergen – a Victorian-based organisation committed to resourcing ministry with children and their families.
The Assembly Resourcing Unit will be further recruiting in coming weeks. Stay tuned!
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