Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Manual for Meetings
7th President Dr Jill Tabart honoured by 17th Assembly for her role in crucial decisions made in 1994
July 15, 2024
The 17th Assembly has formally recognised 30 years of both the Covenant and the Manual for Meetings, honouring the role played in these historic moments by Dr Jill Tabart, the 7th and first woman President of the Uniting Church.
In a warm and candid presentation to the meeting, Jill shared her recollections of both the signing of the Covenant Statement and using the Manual at the Assembly meeting for the first time in 1994.
“One of the most special features of the Uniting Church was the courage taken in 1994 to change meeting procedures to the consensus decision-making model, the other was the invitation by Congress to acknowledge the horrendous past with honesty. It is with a sense of wonderment that I am here with those two moments in our minds.”
“It’s a hairs-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling when you realise the guidance we pray for is actually being realised. It feels like nothing less than a miracle of the grace of God when it happens and that’s why we keep using these procedures.”
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In acknowledging members of Congress, Dr Tabart expressed the poignancy of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Covenant marked on Friday night, particularly the honouring of leaders throughout the history of UAICC.
Dr Tabart then reflected back on chairing the first Assembly meeting using consensus decision-making, describing the lead-up to the meeting as “like walking on a knife edge.”
“The first session of the Assembly had to make the decision would we change or would we not change the procedures. Once the proposal was approved and we were actually underway, I was so relieved that it wasn’t the formal procedures. It was breaking new ground and that was scary, it’s always scary to be breaking new ground.”
Dr Tabart recalled the support she received from Pastor Uncle Bill Hollingsworth throughout the meeting.
“I was blessed to have Uncle Bill Hollingsworth as my chaplain for the Assembly and those who remember him would remember his wonderfully calming capacity in times of anxiety and his capacity to challenge me with straight talk, as well as his gift of prayer.”
She recalled the varying opinions about consensus decision-making leading into the adoption of the Manual for Meetings, but reported receiving positive feedback following the Assembly meeting, even from those who were previously sceptical. Dr Tabart shared her experience with using consensus decision-making with the Synod of Tasmania, prior to the 7th Assembly, as well as the ensuing interest from global ecumenical bodies. The World Communion of Reformed Churches and the World Council of Churches have now also adopted consensus decision-making procedures.
Dr Tabart affirmed the continuing relevance of the Manual for Meetings and encouraged the church to utilise the procedures effectively.
“Good training of those who are chairing the meetings and effective orientation of members are the keys to good outcomes. The Assembly I think has done pretty well with the Manual for Meetings. I guess with any guidelines it varies depending on the issues you are dealing with. I hope that its principles are helping the guidance of the Spirit, and the voices of people who might be the medium through which the Spirit speaks.”
She praised the power of the procedures offered by the Manual for Meetings, in allowing guidance from the Spirit in discernment processes and allowing diverse voices to be heard.
“I’ve been in divisive meetings over the years when it feels like we’ve reached a totally stalemate position. Yet, the person chairing the meeting has persevered with the guidelines through the steps of consensus. A single tentative voice has been the one that has been able to turn the meeting upside down in offering an insight.”
“It’s a hairs-standing-on-the-back-of-your-neck feeling when you realise the guidance we pray for is actually being realised. It feels like nothing less than a miracle of the grace of God when it happens and that’s why we keep using these procedures.”
Rev Mark Kickett, National Chair of the UAICC, and Kym Korbe, Executive Officer of the UAICC in Queensland, also offered thanks for Dr Tabart’s role in the formation of the Covenant relationship 30 years ago. Kim represented Aunty Roberta Stanley, who was unable to be present due to illness. She acknowledged the significant role of the mentorship of the late Pastor Bill Hollingsworth, who signed the Covenant on behalf of Congress and was one of Dr Tabart’s chaplains at the 7th Assembly.
Rev Kickett shared the significance of the Covenant, describing its signing as, “one of those times in your life when you knew where you were.”
“We wish to thank you, Dr Jill Tabart, for your vision and leadership. We honour you as a person who has made a lasting difference in how we meet together as First and Second peoples.”
“We look forward to exciting times ahead that we’ve had on this 30-year journey, but you forever will be a part of that story.”
He also prayed for the future of the Covenant: “May each one of us stand on tiptoes with the excitement of what lies before us and we ask it in Jesus’ name.”
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