Assembly General Secretary appointed
The 17th Assembly has appointed Mr Andrew Johnson as the new Assembly General Secretary
July 13, 2024
The 17th Assembly has joyfully appointed Mr Andrew Johnson as the new General Secretary of the Uniting Church in Australia Assembly.
Mr Johnson is currently the Assembly’s Act2 Project Lead and is an established strategy, change and governance leader in the church, government, international development and not-for-profit contexts. He holds qualifications in law, science and theology.
Mr Johnson made a passionate and faith-filled response following the announcement of the ballot result, which was received by acclamation.
“After a long struggle stretching back over 15 years in my life, it is with pride, humility and an overwhelming sense of gratitude that I accept your invitation to respond to God’s call on my life through the voice of the Church to be the next Assembly General Secretary of the Uniting Church in Australia.”
“Today I stand here with pride, humility and an overwhelming sense of gratitude"
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Andrew is a deeply committed member of the Uniting Church and has extensive experience in its governance and leadership roles. He has a combined 12 years on the Uniting Church Assembly Standing Committee, has been the Director of UnitingCare Kippax in Canberra and Chair of UnitingWorld’s International Programs Committee.
He has been a member of five Assemblies, served on four Assembly Business Committees and was on the Assembly’s Legal Reference Committee for 12 years. He worships at Gungahlin Uniting Church in Canberra.
Mr Johnson has held the role of Act2 Project Lead since 2022, setting the strategic direction for and overseeing the most transformational change and comprehensive engagement process the Uniting Church has ever undertaken.
“My vision for the Uniting Church is expressed through our deep reflection upon and rigorous engagement with the biblical witness as we live and work within the faith and unity of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church as described in the Basis of Union.”
“I will continue to draw deeply from this well throughout my time as General Secretary through the disciplines of the faith handed down to me through my lifelong journey of discipleship, particularly the discipline of prayer.”
Speaking after the result of the ballot, Chair of the Nominating Committee Rev Sharon Hollis said the Assembly Standing Committee had overwhelmingly endorsed the Committee’s recommendation.
“The Assembly Standing Committee gladly affirms Andrew Johnson’s sense of call and his gifts and graces to undertake the ministry of General Secretary.”
“The Nominating Committee was impressed by Mr Johnson’s skills and capabilities to lead change, which the Committee considers to be essential at this point in the Assembly’s life,” said Rev Hollis. “He has the ability to take complex situations and information and communicate what is needed with clarity, good judgement, efficiency and attention to detail.”
“He demonstrates pastoral intelligence in his leadership.”
Mr Johnson is a recognised leader and trusted advisor in international development and community contexts, with key skills in strategy development, governance, government relations and public affairs. He has led significant strategy development initiatives across Australian and international NGOs, drawing on highly responsive and adaptable consultation processes, insights and modelling.
He has held several high level strategy, management and consultancy roles. He is currently Principal Consultant with The Social Economy Group, where he works with international civil society organisations, non-profits and impact businesses to deliver change in strategy, governance, policy and advocacy.
He spent four years as Manager, Political Strategy and Government Relations for World Vision Australia and then Director of Strategy in the International and Domestic Programs Group for two years. He has also held a variety of social justice roles in the Uniting Church in Queensland.
“I will seek to listen as deeply and respectfully as I can. I know I will not always succeed. I know at times my work as General Secretary may surprise and delight you. However I also know at times my work will disappoint and may even concern you. For this I am sorry and I will try my best to remember to say sorry and seek your forgiveness.”
“Friends, I want to say very clearly, I do not believe we are on the Titanic. I believe that this enterprise of hope we embarked upon as a Uniting Church a little over 47 years is not the Titanic, inevitably destined to sink.”
“I believe God has a future for the Uniting Church. A smaller future, a more marginal future, but a future nevertheless as we seek to live out more fully the call God has placed our lives.”
He has a Bachelor of Laws, a Bachelor of Science, a Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice and a Graduate Diploma of Theology.
He will commence as Assembly General Secretary in October.
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