Appreciation for 30 years of NCCA
Rev Sharon Hollis moved minute of appreciation recorded by the Assembly
July 15, 2024
Today, the 17th Assembly gave thanks to God for the work and witness of the NCCA over the last thirty years.
Rev Sharon Hollis presented a Minute of Appreciation which was recorded by the meeting.
“This is a significant moment in the formal life of the ecumenical movement,” Rev Hollis said. “We pause and give thanks for the work they do and remind ourselves of our commitment to unity.”
“We give thanks for the ecumenical work of the NCCA."
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The NCCA has a history stretching back to 1896 and the formation of the Australian Student Christian Movement, the Australian Council of Christian Education in 1922 and the National Missionary Council in 1926. 1946 saw the formation of the World Council of Churches - Australian Committee, which was later renamed the Australian Council of Churches. Finally in 1994, the NCCA was inaugurated.
The first members of these councils were primarily Anglican and Protestant. Over time Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and other church communities have joined the NCCA and there are now 18 member churches reflecting a rich community of Australian Christian churches.
NCCA facilitates and supports its work through its Faith and Unity Commission, the Churches Refugee Taskforce, the Churches Ecological Taskforce, and Act for Peace.
It seeks to encourage a collective ecumenical voice that contributes to policy and societal discussion and to foster friendship, understanding, and engagement amongst its member churches and other churches interested in collaboration.
The Uniting Church in Australia is committed to ecumenical spirituality and practice and gives thanks for the ways the NCCA fosters ecumenical relationships in Australia.
General Secretary (Interim) Rev Lindsay Cullen passed on the thanks of John Gilmour and Elizabeth Stone, President and General Secretary of the NCCA.
“They asked me to share with the members of Assembly their deep gratitude for the gift that the Uniting Church is to the whole ecumenical movements and the other churches in Australia,” he said.
“They greatly appreciate the way the Uniting Church offers its gifts into the other churches in Australia.”
President Rev Charissa Suli noted the importance of ecumenism, which was evident as representatives from a diversity of churches were present at her Installation service last Thursday.
The minute of appreciation concluded with an opportunity for Assembly members to engage in silent prayer, followed by a prayer from the President.
“We give you thanks for the ecumenical work of the NCCA,” she said.
Thank you for their commitment to fostering unity and cooperation across our Christian traditions. We give thanks for the years of faithfulness and stewardship and the way that they proclaim the gospel. May all of our work be a testament to our call for unity in the body of Christ, to continue to inspire us forward.”
The National Council of Churches Australia (NCCA) celebrated its 30th Anniversary of formation on 3 July 2024.
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