The Advent gift on Day 6 of Sharing the Joy comes from the Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circle.
Circle Advocate Alison Overeem offers a reflection on 'a shared basket of new life'
And so the seeds were sown
And so the anticipation of new life was shown Shown through the breeze Shown through the trees Shown through the footprints In the sands, across these all-knowing ancient lands Do nina tunapri new life? Do nina tunapri hope in the healing? Do nina tunapri healing in the hope? Do nina tunapri? As the echo of hope sits abundant Whispers in the pungkatina/bush Across the muka/water Through story lines and song lines Through an ancestral laritja /thread We are being called to the tirrina / basket of hope and anticipation As takarilya / family As nawnta and nita- brother and sister As a karati/ friend mapali in the basket that will forever bind us Forever find us Forever call us The time is near As the palati/ good spirit Whispers to our takila /heart We know the call of our saviour is upon us Within us Knowing us As the woven mat Of ancient lands Of creator Of milaythina /land Speaks to our truth Warranta/ we feel the hope We krakani /sit with the knowing It is near It is near