What is “the way” of Jesus
The Uniting Church has some key values which come from our understanding of Jesus – how he expressed God's priorities and taught us to live.
“Ecumenism” is the commitment to promoting and working toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation. The Uniting Church heritage is of a ecumenical Church which arose from the coming together of three different denominations. But we use the name "Uniting" rather than "United" because we do not believe that the journey of coming together is finished! Whether through further large scale denominational unions, through grass–roots co-operation and joint mission between congregations and parishes of various denominations locally, or anything in–between, we continually seek to work together with, grow in understanding of, and move closer to, other Christian sisters and brothers. (Link to SCG)
A Heart for First Peoples
Within the Uniting Church, we see that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, nurtured and sustained by God before colonisation, should be celebrated at the very heart of what it means to be Australian.
Our Church has amended its Constitution (link) to add a preamble (link) specifically addressing the relationship between First People, and the Colonising oppressors, and we have affirmed the sovereignty of First People and seek to understand how that is to be lived out within the Church. Our desire is that as First and Second Peoples, we walk together, creating socially just and culturally safe relationships, listening and learning from one another. (Link to WFSP Circle)
In 1985 the Uniting Church declared itself to be a "Multicultural Church". This was not only a statement of fact – every Sunday people worship in Uniting Churches using 30 different languages. Around 200 congregations across the country specifically represent particular cultural backgrounds, and increasingly Uniting Church members, leaders and Ministers come from a wide diversity of backgrounds. But the Uniting Church also sees cultural and linguistic diversity as a goal – part of what it will be to worship in the reconciled and renewed world Jesus is bringing about. Worship, witness and service ought to happen across cultural boundaries as we become a genuinely inter–cultural Church. (Links to BMC and TW Circles)
The Ministry of All
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Open to Scholarship
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Justice Oriented
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Appreciating Diversity
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A Pilgrim People
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