‘Wear it Purple’ to support queer young people
August 24, 2022
from UnitingCare Australia
Members of the UnitingCare network throughout Australia will be wearing purple this Friday 26 August to demonstrate support for queer young people. Wear it Purple is a national awareness campaign which takes place every year, aiming to support safe, empowering and inclusive environments for the young rainbow community.
UnitingCare Australia National Director, Claerwen Little, supports the day, saying that “All people are made in the image of a loving God. Young people of diverse sexual and gender identities are affirmed and welcomed in services in the UnitingCare network. These young people contribute much to our church and society.”
Uniting NSW.ACT is actively supporting and promoting the day with resources and personal stories. Read more here.
UnitingCare Australia has established a LGBTIQ+ Community of Practice to enable members of the Uniting Care network to share information, policies and resources. Ms Little said that “members of the Uniting Care network are taking a lead in ensuring that all services, from residential aged care to child, youth and family services, openly welcome and affirm LGBTIQ+ people."