A plan to transform aged care
The Uniting Church’s national agency for community services, UnitingCare Australia, has released its response to the Aged Care Royal Commission, as a member of the Australian Aged Care Collaboration.
“With the Federal Budget now just 4 weeks away, we urge the Government to consider our 15-point plan to overhaul the aged care system and work together to ensure all older Australians get the care they deserve”, said Claerwen Little, UnitingCare Australia National Director.
“Uniting Church agencies are responsible for 8.5% of residential aged care, and 10% of home care packages,” Ms Little said. “This is a once in a generation opportunity for the Government, service providers and consumers to transform our approaches to ageing and aged care.”
“For Christians, caring for vulnerable people, including as they age, is an essential part of following Jesus and creating safe places of welcome for all,” Ms Little said.
For the full response of the Australian Aged Care Collaboration go to: Aged care – the way forward - Uniting Care Australia
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