Uniting Friends of Ageing launched
UnitingCare Australia has launched a new national network for local church members to become engaged with transforming ageing and aged care.
“Uniting Church members have a wealth of lived experience with ageing and aged care, for themselves or family members. They are valuable contributors to the work of UnitingCare Australia, especially over the coming years as we navigate and implement the recommendations of the Aged Care Royal Commission,” said National Director Claerwen Little.
The launch took place at the Canberra City Uniting Church with 15 members of the congregation who had particular experiences to share about ageing.
Ms Little said that “The aim of Uniting Friends of Ageing (UFA) is to keep local church members informed and engaged with UnitingCare Australia’s work in aged care.
“At the launch participants shared their experiences such as difficulty in navigating the home care system, especially when computers are required, and the need for higher staffing levels and greater training and pay in residential aged care.”
City Church member and local organiser for the launch, Jenny Rowland, who cares for an older family member, asked “Why are there not enough Home Care Packages to go around? Some become available only when other people offered them decline them. For the lower level packages the amount some would have to pay as a daily fee is far too expensive for the services they would actually use. Sorting out Home Support and Home Care Packages must disadvantage no one.”
Mrs Rowland also commented that “It's time to care about aged care because the alternative to growing older is not what most of us want! All of us deserve to be treated with dignity, professionalism and courtesy. What we can do in our older years is encourage and pray for younger people. Politicians need to realise that they too will grow older and need to put up with the policies they chose to put in place.”
UnitingCare Australia has appointed a Campaign Engagement Officer, Warren Talbot, to assist with encouraging local church members to become involved with UFA. For further information contact Warren at warrent@nat.unitingcare.org.au