Uniting Church Adult Fellowship National Gathering
22-26 January, Adelaide
December 6, 2023

Uniting Church Adult Fellowship National Gathering - Adelaide - 22-26 January 2024
There is still time for you to register for the Uniting Church Adult Fellowship (UCAF) National Gathering that will be held at Nunyara Conference Centre, Belair, South Australia from Monday 22 January to Friday 26 January inclusive. If you are attending the Gathering check-in will be from 2:00pm on Monday 22nd and check out will be on Friday, 26th January.
"Highlights of the Gathering include Bible Study led by Rev Mark Schultz, speakers from Uniting World and Frontier Services, electives and many opportunities for fun, food and fellowship."
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While the Gathering program runs from the 22nd to the 25th January, you are able to continue your stay at Nunyara until Saturday, 27 January if you wish, and take some time to explore the Adelaide Hills, or pop into the city. There is a train or other public transport available. The National Committee will be meeting on the 26th and 27th January, and you are welcome to share the refreshment and meal breaks with them.
This Gathering will bring together people who have an interest in the ministry offered through UCAF groups in congregations and presbyteries from across Australia. While the format for the 2024 Gathering is different to what we have done previously we are looking forward to seeing many familiar faces, and welcoming new ones.
Highlights of the Gathering include Bible Study led by Rev Mark Schultz, speakers from Uniting World and Frontier Services, electives (worship and craft), some UCAF National Committee business, as well as many opportunities for fun, food and fellowship. A Worship Service will be held in the chapel at Nunyara, where there will be an opportunity to recognise those members of either UCAF State Committees/Councils or the UCAF National Committee who have died since our last national event in 2021.
We are delighted that Rev Sharon Hollis, Assembly President will be with us for the Gathering, and will be the guest speaker during the dinner as well as offering a theological reflection at the end of each day.
If you will be in Adelaide at this time, you might like to register to attend as a Day Visitor, if this appeals to you, we would like to suggest that you join us on Wednesday 24th January. The program this day will include the Service of Recognition as well as the Gathering Dinner.
If you have any questions regarding the Gathering please email Janet Woodward or M: 0432 271 757.
Register by Friday 22 December 2023.