Transforming Worship Circle
As Christians and members of the Uniting Church, worship is a fundamental activity that draws us together. When we gather in worship, we respond to God’s invitation to be loved and we encounter God’s own gracious self-revelation through word and sacrament. In communal worship all bring their gifts, varied and different. Being drawn into communion with God and others can be a transforming experience.
The Transforming Worship Circle invites people to engage with the ways the Assembly resources the wider Church and thinks creatively about our worship.
Circle members will be invited to learn about, share information on and explore worship resources for liturgy, including in different languages, as well as for music, preaching, dance, drama, inter-generational and intercultural worship. This might also include thinking on preparing spaces for worship and the multiplicity of factors which enable healthy, vital worship within the breadth of the Church.
Circle Panel Members
Currently the Transforming Worship panel members are: David McGregor and Jenni Hughes.
Presbyterian Church of Korea shares words of friendship
Words of friendship from the Presbyterian Church of Korea Leaders of the Presbyterian Church of Korea share greetings in this short video and present President Rev Charissa Suli with a plaque of appreciationAt the 17th Assembly in July it was wonderful to welcome representatives of some of the Uniting Church’s partners and overseas guests from…
New With Love to the World out now
The new edition of With Love to the World is out now For the first time, the resource will include commentaries on Narrative Lectionary readingsWith Love to the World is a daily Bible reading resource, written and produced within the Uniting Church in Australia. For many decades it has followed the Revised Common Lectionary. From…
Welcome to new Circle Advocates
New Advocates for the Assembly Circles of Interest Rev Hee Won Chang and Matthew Julius will step into new leadership rolesThe Assembly is pleased to announce two new Advocates for the Assembly Circles of Interest, elected at the 17th Assembly meeting. We welcome Rev Hee Won Chang as Advocate of the Growing in Faith Circle,…
Fijian Bible Study - Year B now available
A Fijian Bible Study A new book of weekly Bible Studies in Fijian based on Year B of the Revised Common Lectionary by Rev Dr Iliesa Jovili MeoThe second volume of the Fijian Bible study written by minister, theologian and author Rev Dr Iliesa Jovili Meo is now available. The new book, written in Fijian,…
Fijian Bible Study
A Fijian Bible Study A new book of weekly Bible Studies in Fijian based on the Revised Common Lectionary by Rev Dr Iliesa Jovili MeoA new publication containing detailed Bible Studies for the weekly Lectionary readings written in Fijian has been launched this week. The text is the work of respected Uniting Church Fijian minister…
Lenten Reflections 2023
Each week during Lent, the Assembly will share a short reflection on themes that reflect both the Lenten season of preparing our hearts for Easter and the current season of the Uniting Church as together we reflect on how God is calling us to shape our lives. Each week someone different from across the…