This is my Uniting Church
St Martin's Foothills, Forrestfield, WA
April 2, 2024
"We are proud to embrace the ministry of hospitality in all we that we do, as we seek to reach out to and welcome all."
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Share a little bit about your church community.
St Martin’s Forrestfield was the first new congregation formed within the Uniting Church in Australia, post union. It was formally commissioned as a new congregation by the then Moderator of Western Australia, Sir Ronald Wilson, on Sunday 16 April 1978, to provide outreach into the Perth eastern metropolitan suburbs in the foothills of the Darling Range escarpment.
In 2005 we formed a joint clustered community with the nearby Kalamunda congregation, with a signing of a Memorandum of Agreement to become “cooperating congregations through which we share our strengths and resources and discern together what it means to be a vibrant missional church in the 21st century”. Our minister is thus shared with both congregations.
Currently, our congregation has about 40 members whose average age is around the mid-sixties.
What are some of the things happening there that are really exciting for people?
Our congregation operates a very successful op shop on the church premises, which is very well regarded in the local community. It is run entirely by an amazing group of over 40 dedicated volunteers, who come from both the congregation and the community, to generously devote their time and effort to help make a difference to the everyday lives of people.
St Martin’s Op Shop delivers a valuable service that offers low-cost commodities, bringing the wider community together and providing a friendly place for those seeking social interaction. It also supports an extensive range of other charities and organisations through the onforwarding of donated items. From the income generated we are able to financially assist a range of church and community initiatives.
We also run a weekly community drop-in centre, called Marty’s Café, where a dedicated group provide free barista coffee, morning tea and conversation to anyone wanting friendly social interaction. Donated bread, and shared produce, is also made freely available. Many of those who drop in are socially isolated and this has become a growing ministry.
What energises the faith of this community?
One of meaningful worship aspects for our congregation is the celebration of holy communion every week (except when lay preachers are leading), where we gather together around the table in solidarity to remember the greatest expression inspirational love for God’s people.
Our ongoing support of many organisations such as Yarning Circle (Congress), Fundacoun Lafaek Diak (FLD) Timor Leste, Frontier Services, UnitingWA, school chaplaincy and Sharing a Hills Christmas is an expression of our faith.
We are proud to embrace the ministry of hospitality in all we that we do, as we seek to reach out to and welcome all who come to our worship services and outreach activities.
Where do you see God at work at the moment?
In recent times we have participated in workshops that move us from just being a welcoming church into a culture of disciple-making.
In the day-to-day activities and interactions with our community we see the face and voice of God calling to us.
Are there any challenges you're facing there?
The demographics of our area are changing rapidly and we are struggling to align with them. We face the challenge of planning where we will be in five years and in what form we will present to our community.
We are considering ways to increase the type of growing community ministry provided by Marty’s Café; however the availability of resources is always a challenge.
We currently have a worship service at 8.00am on a Sunday morning which proves difficult for families with children. Providing worship that is meaningful for people of diverse backgrounds is also a challenge to us.
What can the rest of the Church pray for there?
Pray for God’s guidance as we move into a time of change. That we may be open to the Spirit's prompting as, together with our linked congregation Kalamunda, move towards an unfolding future. Please pray that we discover new life in the Spirit and are able to live by that discovery.