'A responsibility to care for the earth'
April 13, 2022
Across the country on Friday 25 March, thousands gathered in-person and online to call for climate justice and more robust policy to address the climate crisis as part of the global youth-led School Strike 4 Climate movement. Actions took place in over 30 locations as strikers rallied to demand world leaders fight for #PeopleNotProfit.
Clementine and Harriet from Brunswick Uniting Church in Victoria attended the strike in Melbourne. We asked them three quick questions about why they went and what matters to them.
Why was it important to you to show up at the School Strike?
Because we wanted to show our support for action on climate, and the more people there, the more it shows how much people care. As kids we are going to be impacted by actions taken for the rest of our lives. So taking action to protect the planet is probably more important for us than for older people.
What changes would you like to see, or what would you like our leaders to do?
We want our leaders to use their power to stop burning fossil fuels and encourage green energy. Better support for electric cars would be good too!
Why is it important for us as Christians to care about our world and get involved in things like the Climate Strike?
It's important for everyone to get involved and care about climate action. But linked to our faith, we believe we have a responsibility to care for the earth, as we should care for each other, and protect it for future generations.
Connect with the School Strike for Climate and get information about upcoming actions here.
Clementine and Harriet at the Melbourne Strike.