Introducing churches to intergenerational worship
November 15, 2023
An exciting new resource to introduce your church to intergenerational worship is now available!
Regenerational: Introducing churches to intergenerational ministry through gathered worship contains four services to use in gathered worship with all generations together.
"An intergenerational community better reflects who we are, and who we are called to be as the Body of Christ."
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Each service within the resource includes:
- a summary order of service
- details of preparation required
- a full service with choices of activities for local contextualisation
- a review framework
- explanations about WHY doing things in these particular ways.
There is help ‘before you start’ and ways to review at the end. The resource aims to develop understanding and skills about planning for and leading intergenerational worship.
The resource has been prepared and written by
The resource has been prepared and written by Dr Sam Richards (United Reformed Church), Melissa Neumann (Uniting Church Synod of South Australia Mission Resourcing), Rev Claire Dawe (Chaplain, Cornish College, Melbourne) and Chris Barnett (Intergen).
In the introduction from the writers (see below), Chris Barnett says, “We are passionate about encouraging and sustaining lifelong discipleship for all ages – and there’s more and more evidence to show that an intentionally intergenerational environment makes such discipleship more likely.”
“An intergenerational community better reflects who we are, and who we are called to be, as the Body of Christ – an expression of unity, an equality and mutuality in belonging, an opportunity for the gifts of all to be more fully utilised for the blessing of all.”
Regenerational is available now to download – click the button below.
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