President's Easter Message 2022
April 12, 2022
This Easter, Uniting Church in Australia President Rev Sharon Hollis encourages us to notice those whose acts of kindness and compassion bear witness to the Risen Christ, and remind us that in the face of darkness there is light.
"This Easter, we find ourselves living in a world beset by war and famine. Across the country, many have been devastated by flood. We continue to experience the effects of inaction on climate change," said Rev Hollis. "Amid the challenges we have endured, it can be hard to live with hope."
In her video message, Rev Hollis recalls the ritual of the Easter vigil which begins in darkness.
"A fire is lit, light is passed from person to person. With the cry 'Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!' The light grows, darkness retreats, new life is glimpsed."
"This simple but powerful ritual trains me to live in hope and notice Christ at work in the world."
Rev Hollis says she sees the hope of Easter in those communities of believers who every day seek to bring hope to others. In those courageously calling for peace in Ukraine, those accompanying communities affected by the floods, in our young people who seek justice and repair of creation and in the work of our agencies and communities of faith.
"I see Easter hope in their commitment to care for the poor, acting with kindness and compassion, accompanying those who are sorrowing, suffering or despairing, confronting evil, working for justice, healing creation and finding beauty."
"I see in their hands outstretched what it looks like to have Easter faith, a faith that through the body of the risen Christ – seeks the transformation of the world for abundant life."
"I am reminded of the power of life in the face of darkness, revealed to us in Christ’s self-giving love, reflected in daily acts of mercy, faith, joy and love."
The President's 2022 Easter Message (see below) was filmed at Newtown Mission in Sydney with the volunteers of the Jordan Cafe who provide meals and share community with those in need. See further below messages from the Uniting Church moderators.
The video is available below with subtitles in seven languages - Indonesian, Fijian, Tongan, Korean, Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese. Thanks to UCA members who generously provided these translations.