Prayers for South Korea
July 25, 2023
Almost 50 people have died and thousands have been displaced by flooding and landslides in one of South Korea's worst monsoon seasons.
Rev Myung Hwa Park, Chair of the Uniting Church Korean National Conference has offered a prayer in English and Indonesian. Download as a PDF.
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Gracious God,
We have learned that the recent flood in South Korea has claimed many lives and left others missing. The overwhelming force of the rushing water has caused significant damage to communities.
In this time of desperation and fear, we humbly ask for your love and protection for all those who have been devastated and isolated by the flood.
We also pray for unity amongst regional and local authorities and officials as they work together to restore what has been lost and rebuild what has been destroyed.
May the recovery efforts be completed as soon as possible. Amen.
은혜로우신 하나님,
이번 폭우로 인해 목숨을 잃은 사람들이 많습니다. 그리고 폭우로 인한 피해가 아주 크다고 합니다.
하나님의 사랑과 보호가 그 무엇보다 절실합니다. 피해 유족들의 가족들에게 위로를 주시고, 피해 지역이 빠른 시일 내에 복구될 수 있도록 정부나 관청, 지역 사회가 한 몸이 되어 일하도록 도와 주시기를 기도합니다. 아멘.