New ASC begins its work for the triennium
The newly elected Assembly Standing Committee (ASC) met for the first time over the weekend beginning its work of oversight and leadership for this triennium.
Significantly, the members of the committee include the youngest and most diverse representation of Uniting Church members elected to the ASC.
UCA President Rev Sharon Hollis who chaired the meeting held online said, “I’m looking forward to working with this ASC to build a community of discernment that will pray, listen as well as talk, disagree, reflect and learn to guide and shape the work of the Assembly in response to good news of Jesus Christ.”
“It was a pleasure to welcome both new and returning members to the first ASC meeting of the triennium as we began to consider the work of Assembly for the next triennium.”
Of the 18 members elected at the Assembly, 14 are new members. The remaining members include those who hold ex-officio positions.
Assembly General Secretary Colleen Geyer thanked all the ASC members for bringing their skills, gifts, energy and insights to the serve the national work of the Church.
“I’m very grateful for all ASC members who are willing to give their time and their expertise to serve on the Standing Committee for this triennium. I’m also excited about all we will learn together and from each other.”
Here’s what some of the new members had to say:
“I really enjoyed the ASC meeting over the weekend, yes I found an all-weekend-long church meeting enjoyable! It was great hearing more about the work of the Assembly and particularly hearing from the Directors of our Agencies. They’re passionate, dedicated people. It was great meeting passionate people from across the country and I’m looking forward to working with them over the next three years. There’s important work to do over the next triennium as we discern where God is calling us as the Uniting Church into the future.” Richard La'Brooy, Chaplain, Newington College
“I am looking forward to being part of transformative weaving of wisdom of ASC, where wisdom is given, and shared, having a First Persons voice in the shaping of who we are and who we are called to be - and imagining with many minds and hearts, both the discerning and decision making but the upholding of the Creator’s call to be a transformative collective - called and guided by the Love of the creator that connects us.” Alison Overeem, Manager Leprena UAICC Tasmania.
"I'm looking forward to being challenged and challenging others in a safe environment. We are going to have some tough conversations but after the first meeting I can tell that we will approach them with grace and care for each other.” Raúl Sugunananthan, President of Christian Students Uniting at Sydney University, Bachelor of Arts/Law student
“It was an enriching and engaging ASC. I learnt lots and took away many things to ponder on.” Ayla Williams, Community and Cultural Resource Officer, Leprena UAICC Tasmania.
The ASC Members are Alison Overeem, Anna Wilson, Catherine Pepper, David Busch, David Fotheringham, Geoff Thompson, James Aaron, Kerry Wilson, Lilliani Tahaafe-Williams, Linda Driver, Michael Dobson, Nicole Mugford, Philip Gardner, Raúl Sugunananthan, Richard La'Brooy, Roberta Stanley, Sandy Boyce, Yuko Tonai-Moore, Ayla Williams, Colleen Geyer, Sharon Hollis, Charissa Suli, Deidre Palmer and Mark Kickett. The Synod General Secretaries and Assembly Associate General Secretary also attend the meeting.
Photos: (clockwise top photo) Richard La'Brooy, Alison Overeem, Raúl Sugunananthan and Ayla Williams and (above) a screenshot from the ASC meeting held on 27-29 August.