National Day of Prayer for those impacted by COVID
Below we share a collection of prayers from UCA members and our church partners for the National Day of Prayer on Sunday 22 August as we pray for all those communities in Australia and across the world impacted by the pandemic.
Prayer from Rev Sharon Hollis, UCA President
God of mercy and compassion,
We pray for the world as across the globe we face the challenges of COVID.
We give you thanks for those who care for the sick,
for those who work on limiting the spread of the disease
and those who develop and administer vaccines.
We remember before you all those affected by COVID,
Comfort those who mourn the death of a loved one,
Heal those who have COVID-19 or suffer the long-term effects of having had COVID.
Sustain those who work in health care, testing and vaccination.
Encourage those who are supporting education remotely,
Console those who must stay at home,
And bless and protect those whose work is essential for our wellbeing.
We long for a world where access to health care and vaccines are shared equitably
Strengthen the efforts of those who work to end COVID for all.
And fill us with a desire to work for justice and care for all. Amen
Rev Roberta Stanley, UAICC QLD and Babinda River of Life Church and ASC member
“Blessing and Honour and Glory and Power be unto Him that sits upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.” (Rev 5:13)
Thank you Lord, it’s to you we look for help and strength.
To whom else can we go?
You alone have the words of Eternal life.
Lord, as we go through these difficult times,
We pray you continue to show us your Love, Mercy and Grace;
Speak Peace to our troubled hearts.
Speak Comfort to our Fears.
Speak Words of Love to our confused Minds.
Lord, bring Light that you may show us the way through this Darkness.
Rev Alex Sangster, Transforming Worship Circle Advocate
Oh God of the Sorrows
We are breathing
It is
A beautiful thing.
But right now
Oh God of the Sorrows
Our world is gasping
For air
For hope
For a way through.
(Kyrie to be sung)
Some of us
cannot hold the hands of those we love.
Some of us
cannot step beyond our doors.
Some of us
have lost our jobs
(and the rent still needs to be paid
and we didn’t eat breakfast
or yesterday )
‘It will be ok’
we say
to the kids
but we are
(Kyrie to be sung)
Some of us are parked in the carpark near the ICU.
‘We see you’
we say
to our loves
who are hidden away
behind brick and PPE
we don’t
see them
touch them,
can’t breathe,
they can’t
(Kyrie to be sung)
Oh God of the Sorrows
Some of us can’t stop thinking of Afghanistan
and the children
and the mothers
and the slamming of the doors.
(Kyrie to be sung)
Oh God of the Sorrows
Some of us can’t stop thinking of Haiti
and the earthquakes
and the water and the wailing and the running.
(Kyrie to be sung)
We are breathing
It is
A beautiful thing
Help us to connect with your breath
Oh God, your Holy Spirit inspiration
Help us to hold
our trembling world.
See a video with music and spoken word composed by David McGregor here
Rev Sandy Boyce, Pilgrim Uniting Church
We are weary, O God.
Weary of the magnitude of problems in our world.
Weary of troubles that overwhelm us.
Our global community has seen too much
despair and disappointment, loss and grief.
In your company, O God,
we have the courage to face our realities,
and to name them in the spirit of prayer.
In between the words, we leave space for silence,
for those things that can best be expressed
by sighs and sorrow.
We never expected to live with uncertainty this long.
We never expected lockdowns to keep us apart this long.
We never expected so many celebratory moments to be lost.
We long to be set free from limitations.
We long for consolation, and gentle understanding.
We long for a return to normal,
but know now that will be elusive.
Even as we journey through these dark valleys
we pray, because we are not alone:
God is with us, and remains with us forever. Thanks be. Amen.
Jon Humphries, Chaplain, Ravenswood, Growing in Faith Circle Panel Member
In Challenging Times
Creator God,
In these challenging times when nothing seems normal
When we are at home away from our friends and family
And when the familiar environment of school or work is on a screen,
We ask that you help us to not to worry about the things we can’t change.
Help us instead to look out for each other and be grateful for all that we have in your world
When we look at the beauty of nature around us from the smallest plant to the rich colours of the sunset,
May we know wonder and awe at your ability to create good in the world.
We know in gratitude that you care for us and that these challenging times will eventually pass.
In your name,
Rev Dr Amelia Koh Butler, Eastwood Uniting Church Minister
A Prayer with people with COVID
I ask for Hope
Hope for those who are wounded - for healing, of bodies and hearts,
Hope for those who despair - for signs of light in our experiences of darkness
Hope for those who face the loss of potential, loss of work, loss of wonder and delight
Hope for those who long for love and connection in their isolation.
Rev. Dominggus Alves, the IPTL moderator, Timor Leste
Praise and Worship to the Creator of the universe.
With head bowed and heart lifted up to you!
Celebrate your servants, to be Faithful to you, O Lord.
O Lord, I pray for the Government of Timor Leste,
from Mr President to village officials, security,
give them the wisdom that comes from you, to lead this country in fear of God.
O Lord, I pray for the Leaders of Synod, Classes and Congregation
so that our worship gives confirmation of faith and hope only to You,
even though they only worship in their respective homes.
Children cannot participate in the teaching and learning process in schools,
many church members have lost their jobs,
widows and widowers are increasingly difficult to access economically.
Oh God, help them, so that our faith gives new enthusiasm
to achieve a better life tomorrow.
O God the Creator of the universe, I pray for IPTL friends
who are always present on IPTL's journey, such as Australia,
America, Korea, Indonesia.
God we are different in social status, but we are one in faith,
Therefore, unite us and bless us.
This is my thanksgiving and prayers
that I convey only in the name of Jesus Christ.
I pray to my Father in heaven. Amen.
Rev Nyoman Agustinus, Bishop of GKPB, Bali
Heavenly Father,
We thank you for Your love and mercy,
Your forgiveness and salvation
You have given to me in Jesus Christ.
We thank you for the health you blessed us with
to do our daily duties and service amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Father, please turn Your eyes to us during this heavy burden,
please strengthen us to stand up strong in You,
assisting every persons and families in adapting with the new normal situation.
Please deliver us from the selfish way of life,
teach us to live a humble life and to help each other.
Father, please bless the efforts of Indonesia and Bali government to break the chain of COVID-19, bless all economic recovery effort, especially in tourism industry.
Please heal our brothers and sisters whom are still fighting against COVID-19, either in hospitals and independently.
Father, teach us to have a heart to sacrifice to others like Christ,
strengthen us to stand against our fear, anxious,
because You are our Living God, who nurture us, in Jesus Christ I pray.
Rev Patty Lawrence, Broken Bay Uniting Church
Jeny Mahupale-Bakarbassy, Ambon, Indonesia
(Adapted from Yesaya 12 “GPM’s Easter Theme 2021”)
We give praise to you, O Lord; for though you were angry with us,
your wrath is turned away, and we are comforted.
See, God you are our salvation;
we will have faith in the Lord,
without fear facing this pandemic:
for the Lord is our strength and song;
and you Lord has become our salvation by Jesus Christ’s sacrifices.
So with joy will the human kind and earth get water out of the springs of salvation?
And although for today in this COVID-19 situation,
we will say; praise to the Lord, let his name be honoured,
give word of his doings among the peoples,
He saves us, He cures us, He lives in our life with the power of Holy Spirit,
say that his name is lifted up.
Thank You Lord.
We make a song to you;
for you have done noble things:
give news of them through all the earth,
for all human kind pass the boundary of nation, ethnic race, religion, blood ties;
because of your love we become one. Amen
Bishop PK Samantaroy, 'Bunu', who ministers with the Diocese of Amritsar, Church of North India
Our dear loving and living God,
Today we celebrate the amazing power of your holy word
that gave us hope through your Son Jesus Christ
who died and rose again.
We thank you for sustaining our life
in the midst of the devastating pandemic.
We also thank you for the love, care and generous contributions
we have received from the people we love.
Millions of people have died and many are lucky to be alive
but are devastated by the impact of the pandemic
economically and psychologically.
We confess that we have sinned against you
by being too involved in this world
and not caring for your people and the creation.
Forgive O God, our sins and help us to reach out
to the poor, sick and the needy
and share our gifts with them.
May our faith bring hope to the hopeless,
and comfort to the suffering people.
May we always find your goodness
and glorify your Holy Name!"
The Methodist Church in Zimbabwe Mission Department
A prayer for all nations, for the church, for the sick, the bereaved, the weak and the vulnerable because of COVID-19 from the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe
For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds' declares the Lord (Jeremiah 30:17 )
In the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, WE THANK YOU OH LORD FOR YOUR MERCY, GRACE, DIVINE PROVISION AND PROTECTION.
WE TRUST IN YOU OH God For your mercy endures forever.
May your grace continue to endure over the many lives which are suffering due to COVID-19 for your healing power is our shelter in hard times.
Oh Jehovah Rapha, heal our world with your blood and with your power, for by your stripes, we are healed.
We bring before your throne many lives left behind as we mourn our loved ones who include the ministers of Word and Sacrament who have been taken to higher glory. May you provide spiritual, physical and emotional guidance to their families because you are the God of widows, orphans and all those who mourn.
May you strengthen and sustain the frontline workers who are in the trenches on a daily basis.
We pray for all the ministers of the Word as they continue to redefine your love in the context of the world that is fast doubting your sovereignty.
May you strengthen and sustain the body of Christ so that we continue to place you in your seat of glory always.
May the kingdom, the power and the glory remain yours both now and forevermore
in Jesus Christ's mighty name, Amen.
I will lift up my eyes to the hills- from whence comes my help? My
help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth Psalms 121:1-2