Covenanting Instruments
In 1994 the UCA entered into a formal binding Covenant with the UAICC. The words of the statements together with the painting form the ‘covenant instruments’.
Preamble to the UCA Constitution, Assembly, 2009
“The Church celebrates this Covenantal relationship as a foretaste of that coming reconciliation and renewal which is the end in view for the whole creation.” These final words from paragraph three of the Basis of Union capture the why for the ten paragraphs that precede them in the Preamble to the UCA Constitution. The theology, particularly expressed in the first three paragraphs, is profound and warrants deep reflection and engagement. This theology beyond being about justice for First Nations Peoples and their cosmologies/theologies invites the breath of the culturally and linguistically diverse UCA into a profound conversation.
Uniting Church Studies – the New Preamble, June 2010
There is no doubt that the Preamble makes some bold claims, and raises significant theological issues that need further exploration in the life of the church. The essays in this volume touch on some of these issues, sometimes around the question of history and sometimes in terms of the theological conversation which shapes and influences the way we read that history and its place within the providence and life of God. They are offered as a serious exploration of some of the theological issues that confront the church as it decides how (if at all) this Preamble fits into its life.
First Australians Series
First Australians is a 4 part series that takes us on a journey into First Peoples’ history in Australia. The stories are interesting and confronting. Suitable for a range of audiences and particularly good to introduce people to history of First Peoples and Australia.
Walking Trails
Trails for every part of the day from the Botanic Garden to the Yarra
Trails in the western suburbs of Perth
A beautiful trail in the Boondall Wetlands
A 5 day itinerary including walks, cultural centres and arts.
Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park Aboriginal rock art trail
Other walks available in Sydney
Heritage trail at the Acton Campus of ANU
Australian national botanic gardens Indigenous plant use trail
A variety of trails and experiences in Canberra
Hobart and Tasmania
Walking to Corroboree by Rhanee Lester
Sorry Sorry by Marda Pitt and Anne Kerr children’s book
Welcome to Country by Aunty Joy Murphy and Lisa Kennedy, 2016, Black Dog Books
Stolen Girl by Trina Saffioti, Magabala Books, 2011
Sorry Day, By Coral Vass, National Library of Australia, 2018
The Rabbits, by John Marsden, Hachette Australia, 2003
Our Home, Our Heartbeat, by Adam Briggs, Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing, 2020
Heroes, Rebels and Innovators by Karen Wyld, Hatchette Books, 2021
Found by Bruce Pascoe, Magabala Books, 2020
Our Dreaming by Kirli saunders and Dub Leffler, Scholastic, 2022
Colour me, by Ezekiel Kwaymullina, Freemantle Press, 2018
Fair Skin, Black Fella, by Renee Fogorty, Magabala Books, 2010
Respect by Aunty Fay Muir and Sue Lawson, Magabala Books, 2020
Sharing by Aunty Fay Muir and Sue Lawson, Magabala Books, 2021
The River by Sally Morgan, Magabala Books, 2021
Wilam, A Birralung Story, by Aunty Joy Murphy and Andrew Kelly, 2019, Black Dog Books
Little Birds Day, by Sally Morgan, Magabala Books, 2019
Hello Hello, by Ann James Storytellers of Hello, Indigenous Literacy Foundation, 2020
My Country, by Ezekiel Kwaymullina, Freemantle Press, 2012
Cooee Mittigar, by Jasmine Seymour, Magabala Books, 2019
Adult Book Club and Articles
Bruce Pascoe
William Emilsen
Charles Harris, A Struggle for Justice (ORDER HERE)
Denise Champion
Chris Budden
Following Jesus in Invaded Space
Why Indigenous Sovereignty should matter to Christians (ORDER HERE)
Jo Cuttabut Stuurman
Henry Reynolds
Why Weren’t We Told and Fate of a Free People
Cassandra Pybus
Community of Thieves
Patsy Cameron
Lyndal Ryan
Bill Gammage
Further Resources
Check out MediaCom Education's Reconciliation Week collection here
Truth Telling Resources
The killing times: the massacres of Aboriginal people Australia must confront
The Aboriginal Tasmania, story map
The Orb
A collection of online multimedia resources designed to assist the teaching of Tasmanian Aboriginal histories and cultures.
First Nations Calendar of significant events
Calendar of important First Nations, Uniting Church, Interfaith and National/International dates