Rev Lindsay Cullen
Associate General Secretary
Rev Lindsay Cullen is the Assembly Associate General Secretary. He leads the Assembly Resourcing Unit - a team responsible for the oversight of the national work of the UCA including doctrine, worship, ministry education standards, social justice and advocacy and ecumenical and interfaith relationships. The team works closely with and offers support to First Nations people, members of our culturally and linguistically diverse communities and emerging generations in the Uniting Church.
Lindsay has been a Minister of the Word in the Uniting Church since 2003. Lindsay spent five years living in London while he was studying Philosophical Theology. His particular area of academic interest is the intersection of Science and Theology. He has extensive ecumenical experience. He was originally ordained by the Baptist Union of NSW. During his time in England, he attended a Church of England, and was involved in Lay Reader Training and Continuing Ministerial Education Seminars for the Diocese of Rochester. He then spent a year serving as Visiting Minister with a congregation of the United Reformed Church. On his return to Australia he applied to join the Uniting Church through the Reception of Ministers process. Within the UCA, Lindsay has served in rural, regional and urban contexts and a major focus of his ministry has been Adult Education and Lay Ministry training.
Lindsay has a particular interest in new ways of being church, and has been involved in trips to the UK to investigate the Fresh Expressions movement, as well as personal involvement in local emerging church groups and faith communities. Lindsay combines this interest in the future of the church with his commitment to adult education in order to challenge congregations and councils of the church to think about and plan for the exciting journey of discipleship in the 21st century and beyond!