Lectionary Resources
Year C (2024-2025)
Updated 17 Oct 2024
Resources for Advent 2024-2025
Websites with Lectionary Listing and Links
The Revised Common Lectionary: A Vanderbilt Divinity Library Online Resource (includes links to relevant Christian art)
The Text This Week: Lectionary, Scripture Study and Worship Links and Resources
Liturgy, Learning, Life Liturgy, Learning, and (Purposeful) Life, the replacement lectionary-based curriculum for Season of the Spirit and Words for Worship.
Websites with Commentary on Lectionary Passages
Bill Loader lectionary resources
With Love to the World, a quarterly Uniting Church publication, provides daily commentary on all lectionary readings, along with other associated texts. WLW brings good scholarship to readers to help make faith meaningful in daily life. Hymn suggestions and other resources are included.
To subscribe go to http://www.withlovetotheworld.org.au (Paid Print Subscription). With Love to the World now also has Apps available on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Websites with Lectionary based liturgies, prayers, sermons and worship activities
Bruce Prewer’s Home Page
Laughing Bird Liturgical Resources (Nathan Nettleton)
Liturgies Online (Moira Laidlaw)
Mustard Seeds (Rev Ann Scull)
Sermons, Liturgies, Prayers, and Articles, from a post-liberal, progressive perspective. Rex A. E. Hunt, a retired UCA minister, is a leader in the progressive religion movements in Australia and New Zealand.
Project Reconnect – Uniting Church Synod of NSW-ACT
Roots - Worship and Learning Resources for the Whole Church. Ecumenical resources for worship from UK groups including Methodist, Church of England and United Reformed Churches. Go to the website to subscribe (Paid Print and Digital Subscriptions)
Weekly worship – Church of Scotland
United Methodist Church USA Discipleship – Worship Planning
re: worship - scripturally-based prayers and resources for worship planners and leaders
Area 52: Engage Worship - creative worship ideas relating to the RCL
Working Preacher - Luther Seminary, USA
Intergen - Resourcing and supporting best practice ministry and mission with children and their families, with a focus on intentional intergenerational ministry
A Sanctified Art - beautiful art, written word and other worship resources by a network of creatives with seasonal offerings each year
Websites with RCL-linked music suggestions and resources
Together to Celebrate: Contemporary Christian Music Resources for Worship (Rev David MacGregor)
Singing from the lectionary – music suggestions for Lectionary readings by Natalie Sims
The Billabong (Rev Jeff Shrowder)
Weekly worship – Church of Scotland
United Methodist Church USA Discipleship – Worship Planning
Podcasts covering Lectionary topics
By the Well A preacher’s guide to the lectionary with Fran Barber and Robyn Whitaker
(Community FB page for further discussion)
Talking About the Text – two old guys trying to make sense of the lectionary text for the coming week
Sermon Brainwave – Luther Seminary