Intergenerational Ministry
These resources are compiled by Chris Barnett, Assembly Intergenerational Ministry Consultant, and Intergen Executive General Manager
1. Weekly Advent Intergen Resources
December 3 All in Good Time
December 10 Time to Get Ready*
Engage Together: Advent 2023 - Weekly resources
Intergen Advent Collection - All Intergen Advent resources
*For the subsequent weeks or the entire series as a package, keep an eye on the Intergen fb page or email and I'll send them through as soon as they are released.
2. NEW for Advent 2023
Advent LIFT: Watch - Matthew 24:36-40 (Single Session)
Advent LIFT: Watch, Prepare, Recognise, Receive (Four Sessions)
Advent: Love in Action - Weekly Worship Resources (Queensland UCA)
Advent: Love in Action - Weekly Bible Reflections (Queensland UCA)
3. NEW & FREE Regenerational: Introducing churches to intergenerational ministry
Regenerational introductory clip
Regenerational facebook post to share
Regenerational: Introducing churches to intergenerational ministry
This NEW and FREE resource contains four services, designed to introduce churches to intergenerational ministry, for use in worship with all ages gathered together. Each service has a summary order of service, details of preparation required and a full service with choices of activities provided to enable local contextualisation. Also included are explanations about WHY doing things in these particular ways has been suggested.These explanations aim to develop leaders’ understandings and skills in relation to planning for and leading intergenerational worship.
4. Advent: More New for 2023
2023 Advent: Love in Action - All Resources (UCA Queensland)
2023 mainly Ministries resources (mainly Ministries)
2023 Advent Devotional: Peace on Earth (tearfund)
2023 Christmas Bowl resources (Act for Peace)
5. Busted Halo Advent
Advent in 2 Minutes (Busted Halo)
Advent Calendar (Busted Halo)
Advent Retreat: A Lesson in Waiting (Busted Halo)
Advent: Meaningful Traditions to Try (Busted Halo)
6. Advent & Christmas Ideas
Advent prayer bags (Flame Creative)
Christmas-themed games (Bible Games Central)
4 Advent activities you can use in your youth ministry (Fuller)
5 Ways Families Can Explore Waiting and Hope this Advent Season CRCNA)
7. Edible Christmas
A Healthy Edible Nativity (Build Faith)
A Favourites Christmas Story (Peter Hughes)
A Christmas Story Lunch (Minivan Ministries)
Rocky Road to Bethlehem (Sun Hats and Wellie Boots)
8. Lost Sheep Christmas
Jesus was a Refugee (Lost Sheep)
Bethlehem Town (Lost Sheep)
Jed & Roy McCoy (Lost Sheep)
The Three Wise Camels (Lost Sheep)
9. More Advent & Christmas Resources
Blue Christmas resources (re:Worship)
Advent & Christmas resources (Messy Church)
Advent & Christmas resources (Going for Growth)
Advent & Christmas resources (Practical Resources for Churches)
This post is based on material originally provided by Intergen