Intergenerational Ministry - Intergen
These resources are compiled by Chris Barnett, Executive General Manager of Intergen and originally published by Intergen.
- Intergen Weekly Resources
Palm Sunday-Good Friday- Easter Sunday resource NEW in 2024!
March 17 A Great Crescendo
March 24 Palm Sunday
March 29 Good Friday
March 31 Easter Sunday
2. Good Friday & Easter Sunday Service Ideas
Easter Explore (UCA SA)
What’s So Good About Good Friday? (UCA SA)
The Mercy Tree: intergenerational ideas for Good Friday (SU)
The Colours of Sunday: an intergenerational Easter service (SU NZ)
3. More Easter Ideas
Easter Chat Mat (Max7)
Easter Jam: event kit (Orange)
Resurrection Eggs (Traci Smith)
A Missional and Intergenerational Easter Sunday (UCA NSWACT)
4. Think Orange
Five Easter activities for families (Orange)
Avoiding volunteer burnout (Orange)
Sustaining your health in ministry (Orange)
Ten questions for a social media strategy (Orange)
5. Bonus Intergenerate AUS/NZ Podcasts
Intentional v. Organic (Dave Csinos)
Moving Beyond Stereotypes (Christina Embree)
Complementary, not Competitive (Wilson McCoy)
The Six Rhythms of Discipleship (Caesar Kalinowski)
6. Christian Playgroup Network Resources
A Helpful Checklist (CPN)
Teddy Bears’ Picnic (CPN)
Link up: a reflection (CPN)
10 Things to Consider for Playgroups (CPN)
7. Fuller Youth
Five ways to engage families as partners in ministry (Fuller)
Five strengths of small churches to leverage in growing young (Fuller)
Seven practical ways to integrate AI into your youth ministry (Fuller)
Ten strategies for communal reading of scripture in small groups (Fuller)
8. Grandparenting & Faith
Biblical Grandparenting (Josh Mulvihill)
Grandparenting for Faith (Becky Sedgwick)
The Grandparenting Effect (Trevecca Okholm)
Footsteps for Future Generations (Ian Barnett)