In humility and Love
March 28, 2022
By Raul Sugunananthan – Working for Justice Panel Member
Mary’s actions in the reading reminds as that at the centre of our calling to justice is the sanctity of human relationship. Jesus praises Mary for reciprocating the mercy he has shown to her family, and tells us that the point is not to simply hand out charity but to entangle ourselves in the lives of those we seek to help.
Over the past few years I have been working with many in the church, both young and old, towards climate justice. We have organised church services and contingents to climate strikes, taught ourselves how to be more sustainable, posted on social media, written to and even met with political representatives. What always stands out to me the most is the interaction I have with people. I remember the Tongan man who led our rally contingent one year relentlessly blowing his conch. He told me this was the battle of his generation, a battle against rising seas and increasing natural disasters. I remember the Indigenous high school students who acknowledged country, reminding us that this land was held in balance since time immemorial. I remember the careful hands and soft eyes of the workshop leader who taught us how to make bees wax wraps so we would no longer need to buy Glad Wrap.
Mary shows us that we cannot take for granted those humble moments where our lives cross paths with another’s. To bring about God’s justice, we must embrace these intersections as an opportunity to sacrifice our comfort and walk together in humility and love.